How to water onions after planting?

It is simply impossible to imagine our table without His Majesty Luke. Let the raw food of this vegetable is eaten only by the most desperate raw-rations with the strongest stomachs, but for the preparation of the first and second dishes it is used in every second recipe. To grow a bow on your site is simple enough, you just need to follow the recommendations for caring for it. Most often inexperienced truck farmers are stumped by the question of whether to water the onions after planting.

Do they water onions after planting?

To understand how to properly water the onion after planting, we will make a small trip home to the bows - to sultry Asia. All the plants there have adapted to live in the conditions of a short spring, after which they hibernate in anticipation of winter rains. Whatever sort the onion was planted, if placed in typical Asian conditions, it will become like its savage brethren: it will release two or four leaves, form a tiny bulb onion and go into hibernation. It can not be withdrawn by any forces from this state. As a result, there is no question of any harvest of onions. Therefore, it is very important to ensure onions good moisturizing during the first two months after planting, when the bulb (turnip) grows and grows. But in the ripening season onions do not need watering, because it can significantly reduce its taste and shorten the shelf life.

How many times do I water the onion after planting?

As already mentioned above, after planting, the onion should be watered regularly throughout the first 60 days. How often to produce watering depends, of course, on weather conditions. If the spring and early summer turned out to be rainy, then there is no need to water onion beds any more. In dry weather conditions, the onions are watered twice a week, so that the soil on the bed is wet, but not wet. Such a drinking regime for onions can be arranged even by those farmers who get to their plots only on weekends. More often than twice a week onions do not need watering, even if there is an opportunity for this. Excessive moisturizing onions will cause the fungi to activate the pathogens of various diseases, for example, peronosporosa - downy mildew.

Stop watering the onions usually in mid-July, when most of its varieties have already formed bulbs. The landmark for the end of watering is usually the feast of Peter and Paul, celebrated on July 12. After this day, the bulbs must gain nutrients, and especially sucrose, on the amount of which the onion characteristics of onions depend, and its ability to remain for a long time without spoiling.

How correctly to water onions after planting?

And finally a few words about how to properly water the onion after planting. First, the water for irrigation should be warm. Watering onions with cold tap water can be exaggerated for him. It is better not to be too lazy and to collect water for these purposes in a barrel, where it will stand and heat up in the sun. Secondly, when watering, you need to make sure that water does not get on the leaves and inside the bulb. Do not arrange onion sprinkling from a watering can with a small strainer - moisture on the leaves and bulbs can cause fungal outbreaks. When watering onion crops, you do not need to moisten the beds themselves, but between the rows, using 10 liters of water per square meter. The soil in the aisles after irrigation is better to be covered. This will help keep moisture in it for as long as possible and at the same time slow down the germination of weeds .