What do raw-eaters eat?

Raw food is a type of vegetarianism. The essence, as it is easy to guess from the title, is that the food consumed by a person must be moist, any processing, thermal and not only, are excluded.

Nutrition of raw food is based on two principles - it all depends on what raw food is being talked about:

Temporary or partial raw - food - the adherents of this approach to food, strive to preserve the nutritional value of products as much as possible, and therefore they do without food processing.

Complete, radical raw-food - such raw foodstuffs defend the "rationality" of their menu from the evolutionary point of view. As the raw food experts say, the processed food was absent in the human food chain, consuming it in its natural form, such as it sprouts in the wild. For the same reason, there is a rejection of meat and animal products - raw food is considered to be the most natural and suitable for our body.

Raw meat menu

So, discarding not only products of animal origin, but also any processing of food, we, of course, think about what the raw food is eating. To this, any raw food will answer that nature is so rich in natural products that no meat and heat treatment are needed.

The list of what is raw:

In general, in the diet of raw food, to the surprise of not raw food, the leading position is taken by greens - all kinds of salad, parsley, dill, coriander, basil, etc. According to the raw food experts, the greens contain a huge amount of easily digestible protein, and in summer it should be the basis (35-50%) diet. In winter, it is fucus and sea ​​kale .

Next come the fruit. They must comply with the following standards:

No matter how funny, that's it.

As for vegetables, raw foods are not recommended for overcooked - too much starch, the rest should not be limited.