Beet kvass - good and bad

There are many drinks that improve the health and help to cope with the problem of excess weight . Nutritionists and doctors recommend paying attention to kvass from the red buryak, the use of which is due to the presence of vitamins, minerals and other substances. It is very easy to prepare such a drink, and it does not require the purchase of any special ingredients.

Benefit and harm of beet kvass

Freshly prepared drink has a number of properties that contribute to weight loss:

  1. Substances containing in kvass increase the rate of exchange processes.
  2. The benefit of kvass from beets is also the ability to activate the fat burning process.
  3. Increases the level of hemoglobin, which increases the flow of oxygen to the cells of the body.
  4. The benefit of kvass for the body is due to the presence of substances that improve the digestive process and the work of the digestive tract.
  5. The drink helps to cleanse the intestines from slags and other decomposition products.
  6. It is recommended to consume kvass to people who suffer from obesity.
  7. The benefit of Buryak kvass is a positive effect on the nervous system, and it also tones up the body.

In order not to harm the body, it is necessary to take into account contra-indications, which also exist for beet kvass. You can not drink a drink to people with kidney problems, with gout and urolithiasis. It is not recommended to drink beet kvass during exacerbations of gastrointestinal diseases.

How to cook?

That Buryak kvass brings only benefit to the body, it must be properly prepared. There are several recipes for the drink.

Classic Edition



Root should be cleaned, cut into large pieces and put in a jar of glass. Then send the water and leave everything in a warm place for fermentation. This will take you about 4 days. After the expiration of time, the drink is ready for use. This option is considered not safe, since kvass may contain pathogenic bacteria.

Option with wort



Root with the peel to grind on a large grater and put in a 3-liter bottle. Then send the wort and pour all the water at room temperature. Top with gauze and put on a couple of days in a warm place. The readiness of the drink will be indicated by the clarification of kvass and the disappearance of foam. To improve the taste, you can use mint.

How to use?

You can drink beet kvass as a regular drink, which, when combined with proper nutrition, will help you get rid of excess kilograms. You can use it for unloading days. In this case, the daily rate is 1 liter of beet kvass. If you can withstand such fasting for you is very difficult, supplement the diet with 1 kilogram of sour apples / 450 g of low-fat cottage cheese / 7 egg whites. Also allowed to drink clean water.

Beetroot kvass by Bolotov

It is recommended to include this drink in your diet to people with obesity, but only after consulting a doctor. You need to drink it a couple of hours before a meal at 1/4 tbsp. 3 times a day.



Beets need to be peeled and finely chopped. Separately, we connect the whey, sugar and sour cream. Take a capacity of 5 liters, put the beets there, pour the whey mixture, cover with gauze and put it in a warm place. When the surface appears foam, then the process of fermentation has begun. Check the drink every day so as not to miss the formation of mold, which must be carefully collected. In a week fermentation will become too active, at this time the drink needs to be transferred to a warm place. After 11 days you will get about 3 liters of kvass.