Beetroot juice is good

To improve overall health, as well as to help individual systems and organs, you can use freshly squeezed beet juice, the benefits of which have long been proven. After all, it is in the dissolved, liquid form that the organism takes and absorbs vitamins and trace elements more easily - and there are a lot of them in the beet.

Treatment with beet juice

Vegetable juices are a real first aid kit, which can be useful in a variety of conditions and diseases. The use of beet juice is as follows:

Beet juice contains a high content of B vitamins, as well as P, PP and C. In addition, it has a lot of iron, manganese and potassium , which can replace a whole vitamin and mineral complex.

Benefits, harms and contraindications of beet juice

Beet juice is useful only for those who do not have contraindications to its use, and otherwise can do harm. The list includes:

The use of red beet juice manifests itself only if it is used correctly, and the first thing to consider is the list of contraindications described above. In addition, it is recommended to drink beet juice in other vegetable juices - for example, carrot or pumpkin. This will allow him to better understand.

Beet juice is good for moderate use. Unlike other juices, it is better to drink it not immediately after pressing, but after 1-2 hours. The optimal dosage is 50 g of juice per reception (quarter of a glass). Otherwise, nausea, headache, or diarrhea may occur. Start taking the juice carefully, just one spoonful at the reception, and gradually increase its amount.