The Benefits of Fruit

Many women in the period of losing weight themselves do not like to eat their favorite products, because, in their opinion, they are high-calorie and will promote weight gain. They include fruits , although their benefits to the body are invaluable. They include a large number of substances that have a positive effect on health and contribute to weight loss.

Benefits and harm of fruits

In order to use only such products, it is necessary to follow certain rules:

  1. Sweet fruits with a lot of carbohydrates are better in the morning. After dinner, give preference to apples, pears, citrus and other acidic variants.
  2. To the fruit does not provoke an appetite, combine them with bread. It is best to make salads out of them and eat for dessert.
  3. Bananas, grapes and other sweet fruits should be consumed in limited quantities, for example, as a snack.
  4. To adhere exclusively to fruit diets is recommended no more than 2 weeks. Nutritionists generally do not advise to get involved in this type of weight loss and arrange only unloading days.
  5. The benefits of fruit and berries for weight loss can also be obtained by eating freshly squeezed juices. It is also important not to overdo it, 1 tbsp. per day will be enough.
  6. For lovers of sweet it is recommended to replace sweets with dried fruits, the main thing is not to abuse them, enough 5 pieces.
  7. The use of fruit for the body is preserved after freezing, only it needs to be done correctly. If there is a lot of ice and snow in them, there will be no benefit from such products.
  8. Diversify the diet of different fruits, stop on any one option is not recommended.
  9. To get the necessary amount of vitamins and minerals, you need to eat no more than 0.5 kg of fruit a day, but keep in mind that this amount includes fruits and vegetables .