Oatmeal for weight loss

Oat groats are a storehouse of vitamins and beneficial microelements, it helps improve health and, strangely enough, lose weight. Oatmeal porridge for weight loss is not suitable for everyone, since many people simply do not tolerate the spirit of oatmeal.

Pros of oatmeal

  1. Improves mood and psychological state.
  2. Will help get rid of insomnia.
  3. A great antistress agent.
  4. Good prophylaxis in the development of problems with the brain.
  5. Positively affects the blood vessels and normalizes the level of cholesterol.
  6. Effectively removes toxins from the body.
  7. Normalizes blood pressure and heart function
  8. In the end, you can lose weight on oatmeal.

How to lose weight on oatmeal?

The most often used days of unloading on cereals. For this day you need to take a glass of flakes and cook them on the water, that is, just pour oatmeal for 12 hours. In addition to porridge it is allowed to drink tea from the dog rose, but only without sugar. The liquid must be consumed separately from the porridge. You do not need to worry that you will feel hunger, oatmeal porridge perfectly satiates the body. If you can sustain on such a diet for exactly a week, then you can lose up to 5 kg of excess weight. Another drink that can be used on such a strict diet is a decoction on the oats. For its preparation, you need to take 3 glasses of oat grains and pour them with water in a separate saucepan. Leave to insist throughout the day, after we add 100 g of honey and juice of one lemon. Such a drink should be consumed a glass half an hour before meals. In a week you will see that oatmeal really helps to lose weight.

Another option

If you are already in a day ready to give up such an insipid diet, then use one cunning. You will come to the aid of raisins, which should be dark in color. For this option, you need to take a glass of flakes, 3 cups of water and a handful of raisins. Oatmeal porridge Hercules for weight loss is prepared as follows: first we pour the flakes on the hot pan and stir for a few minutes. Hot flakes must be poured into a saucepan in which water should boil. Fire should be reduced and cooked, stirring occasionally. When after 5 minutes the flakes are swollen, you can add raisins that need to be washed beforehand. Cook the porridge to the full preparedness and then remove from the heat and insist a few minutes. All you can eat oatmeal for weight loss.

Benefits of this weight loss

  1. In the cereal is a large number of complex carbohydrates, which are simply necessary for weight loss.
  2. Porridge supplies your body with enough energy.
  3. In the porridge there is a sufficient amount of starch, which is simply necessary for people with stomach and intestinal problems.
  4. Kasha has a positive effect on the condition of bone tissue and your teeth.

Other weight loss options

You can take an oatmeal diet with fruits. To the above porridge you can add fresh fruits or dried fruits. It is allowed to eat porridge at least 5 times a day, between them there should be a break at least 3 hours. Among the fresh fruit is best to give preference to apples, pears, plums, kiwi , citrus and berries, and as for dried fruits, it is best to eat dried apricots and prunes. Portion of porridge - 250 g, serving of fruit - 100 g. Add 2 teaspoons of honey and 50 g of nuts to the porridge. The main meals should consist of cereal and fruit, and for the second breakfast and a mid-morning snack eat only fresh fruit. Due to the fact that it is no longer a mono-diet, it can be used for 2 weeks. During this time, you lose up to 10 kg of excess weight.