Slimming machine for home use

If there is no opportunity to go to the gym, and allows a purse, then you can buy a slimming simulator at home. There is a wide range of products on the market and two types of similar equipment can be distinguished: cardio and power simulators. Since the goal - to get rid of excess weight , then it is worth dwelling on the first option.

Which simulator is better to buy home for weight loss?

Consider a list of the most popular and effective simulators that can be purchased for home use.

  1. Stepper . The simplest version, which boasts a small size and compactness. It is worth noting a small price. Training on the stepper imitates walking on the stairs. To get the result, you need to walk at least 25 minutes. in a day. There are different options with additional functions, for example, with a heart rate monitor.
  2. Exercise bike . According to many experts, the exercise bike can be safely attributed to the group of the best slimming machines, and this is due to the fact that it helps to strengthen the legs and buttocks, and also develops the cardiovascular and respiratory system. There are different options for training on such a simulator, which allows you to lose weight well.
  3. Treadmill . This is the best simulator for losing weight at home, because it is running helps you lose weight quickly. Classes allow you to use the maximum number of muscles, as well as they develop a respiratory and cardiovascular system. There are different options for training on the track. You need to run at least half an hour.
  4. Rowing simulator . This simulator is ideal for losing weight at home, because the lessons on it are labor-intensive. The load is obtained muscles of the upper and lower parts of the body. Movements that simulate rowing, help stretch the muscles, and they also improve the flexibility of the spine.
  5. Elliptical trainer . It is impossible not to recall this option, since such a simulator gives a good load on many muscle groups. According to the principle of action, it is something like running and skiing. In addition, training contributes to strengthening the respiratory and cardiovascular system. Perhaps, in comparison with the track, the elliptical simulator is slightly inferior in efficiency, but it is safer for the joints of the legs. It is worth mentioning that many cardiologists recommend practicing on such a simulator with certain heart diseases. Train for at least half an hour.