How not to eat at the New Year's table: 8 practical tips

That during New Year's holidays not to break and not eat something superfluous, it is necessary to take advantage of useful advice.

  1. The main products are vegetables . Try to eat vegetable salads and snacks at a festive table. Of course, it is better to use them fresh, but you can also eat them cooked for a couple, grilling or baked in the oven. From various kinds of pickles it is best to refuse, as they provoke an appetite. Vegetable salads are best dressed with olive oil. As for mayonnaise, it can be replaced, for example, with natural yoghurt or sour cream.
  2. Meat replace seafood . Meat is digested long enough in the body, and if it is combined with other dishes, then in a short period of time the body will be full and everything that is eaten after it will turn into fat. Therefore, meat is best replaced with fish and seafood, or, in extreme cases, with chicken breast. Only to prepare them is necessary correctly, without adding oil, mayonnaise and other high-calorie sauces.
  3. Movement is life . Do not spend the whole evening at a festive table. Take part in all competitions and dance. You can go out and take a walk or play snowballs. Thanks to this you will eat less, and burn the calories that you ate.
  4. The minimum of alcohol . Strong alcoholic beverages are very high in calories, and they also cause appetite. Therefore, the use of liquors, cognac and vodka should be discarded. Replace them with dry white wine and champagne. Well, if you completely stop using alcohol it will be even better.
  5. The perfect dessert . A wonderful New Year's dessert for you will be fruit and cheese. Fresh fruit and berries can be turned into smoothies and other useful desserts. Regular cakes and cakes, very high in calories and those carbohydrates that were not used for energy production, will turn into fat. Such sweets are difficult to digest and create a feeling of heaviness in the stomach.
  6. Replace food with communication . Instead of putting yourself in the dish additive, discuss with the guests something interesting. It is proved that a person who is keen on conversation will eat less.
  7. Do not hurry . Do not need for 2 minutes to eat everything that you put in the plate. It is proved, the slower the person eats, the better the food is digested and the feeling of saturation sooner comes.
  8. Turn on the light . The most unusual advice, but it really works. During the New Year's Eve, turn on the bright light. It has been scientifically proved that in such a situation a person eats much less than in a semi-darkness.

Diet is not an obstacle for communication

Many women who are dieters generally try to refuse visiting New Year's receptions, because they do not want to answer questions and listen to comments about their decision to lose weight. But there is a way out of this impasse.

  1. Lead the feast, create a holiday atmosphere, and no one will follow what you eat.
  2. Do not need to react to jokes about your diet, just do not pay attention to it or just joke back.
  3. Use some tricks, for example, during each toast do not drink, but just bring the glass to your lips.
  4. For a festive table, sit next to people who also follow their figure and limit themselves to eating. Together, "fighting" will be much easier.
  5. If the owners of the evening are your close friends, then approach them and explain that you are on a diet. Thanks to this you will gain support and will be able to avoid various uncomfortable situations.
  6. To exclude various interrogations, say that you are now on treatment and the doctor has forbidden to drink alcohol and eat high-calorie meals. A reasonably good reason will help you get rid of prying eyes.