The leg was swollen-what to do?

The reasons for such trouble can be a great many and not all of them are serious. Even an absolutely healthy person noticed at least once in his life a slight swelling of the feet, in particular, the feet. So, the question: "Why do my legs swell up?" Anyway, interests almost every one of us.

"Often in the evenings I notice that my feet swell, while the morning is all right. How and what to treat swollen feet? "

Most often we encounter this trouble as a result of injuries. Failed stumbled, fell, slipped, and now - the leg is already swollen. What to do: run to the doctor or try to cope with the misfortune on their own? If the case is in a dislocated foot or an extended ankle, then treating the swollen legs will not help the case, instead you will need a qualified help from a traumatologist. After eliminating the consequences of the injury, the swelling will pass by itself.

Another common cause of foot swelling is a prolonged exposure to the sun. This situation also does not require any treatment and causes no cause for concern.

And quite another thing, if the swelling of your legs began to accompany you constantly. It's time to sound the alarm and ask your doctor: "Swelling feet - what to do?", Attaching to the complaint the results of their tests. There are a lot of reasons for chronic swelling of the legs, and it is only in the doctor's competence to determine which of them corresponds to your condition. Here are some of them:

"Why is the leg swollen? I was at the doctor, no injuries, as well as serious diseases I have not been found ... "

Sometimes the causes of edema can be the most unexpected. For example, few of the fans of the ideal figure know that a prolonged hard diet can lead to swelling of the legs. This is due to a lack of protein in the body, resulting in fluid retention in the tissues and causes swelling. If you just restore the normal power mode, this problem will be automatically removed.

Sometimes it may turn out that the swelling of the legs is the result of an allergic reaction to drugs, food, insect bites and even cold. After eliminating the source of irritation, edema passes without special treatment.

"Yesterday I walked with a girl in the park, twisted my leg, it swelled. What to do? I do not want to go to the doctor ... "

If you are sure that you do not have a serious dislocation, and even more so - a fracture, you can try to cure a sick leg at home. A popular anti-edema is the seeds of flax. To do this, 1 teaspoon of seeds is poured 1 liter of water and boiled about 15. After you remove the broth from the fire, allow it to brew for about an hour, until it turns out a kind of linseed jelly. Use this jelly for at least a liter a day for a month.

Regularly do a relaxing foot bath. To do this, prepare a decoction of field horsetail and chamomile and dilute it with warm water.

The recipe also helps: a glass of olive oil is thoroughly mixed with a teaspoon of salt, you can also add a little lemon juice to it. Received mix your legs with the appearance of edema.

Our grandmothers treated the swelling of the feet with bran. To do this, they cut wheat bran with milk and put this slurry on its feet, leaving it to dry completely. Then rinse off with warm water. They claim that all the swelling as a hand took off!

If you suffer from swelling during pregnancy, first of all, try to reduce salt intake. Try to move more. During the day, do foot gymnastics, and in the evening pamper them with a light massage. Before bed, wipe your feet with ice slices from chamomile or sage infusion, which have a recognized anti-edematous effect.