What does the chicks dream about?

Interpretation of dreams is a long-known way to predict the future and protect yourself from all kinds of ills. Quite often in a dream people are chicks and adult birds, and what they dream about can be understood by analyzing a dream.

Why dream of a bird with chicks?

Different dream books differently interpret dreams with birds. One of the most common versions - the birds dream of news and gossip. However, some authors point out the possibility of profit, if there were a lot of birds.

Feeding in a dream birds means loneliness and the desire to find friends. Listening to bird trills is a quick spiritual communication with friends. Dead bird - to trouble, the size of which depends on the size of the bird: the smaller it is, the easier it will be to solve these problems.

A wonderful positive symbol is to catch a bird in a dream. Such a dream promises success and success. And if you see a bird in a cage - this is a sign of increased intellectual ability, which will outwit enemies.

Often dream-books separately consider dreams with different kinds of birds. Strengthening vital energy promises a dream with an eagle, mutual understanding in the family and with a loved one - with a dove, the discovery of secrets - with a swan. But there are many more dream warnings:

The presence in the dream of a chick speaks about a decrease in self-confidence and own abilities. Very often such dreams warn a person that he has taken on an unbearable burden, and his subconscious mind begs for the refusal of heavy responsibility.

The answer to the question to what the nestlings in the nest are dreamed, the dream book gives ambiguous. Perhaps the person who saw them will soon have to make a difficult decision. Another interpretation is that when a nest is seen in the nest, a person feels lost and unwanted. If the chicks in the nest are hungry - this promises the appearance of gossips and gossip.

Swallows with chicks are a good symbol, what they dream about, can please everyone. First of all, it is well-being in the house, strong family and good prosperity. If the chicks are hungry - they will see the dream, but these conversations will be positive and kind.

But to kill a nestling in a dream is a bad sign. It means the death of aspirations, desires and dreams, and the one who sees the dream is to blame.