Canned fish at home

Many of us remember the taste of canned fish from childhood and nostalgic for it, because what is sold in stores now does not at all resemble what we are used to. Therefore, in order to enjoy this taste again and be calm for the quality of the consumed product, it is worthwhile to cook your own canned fish.

Canned fish in the multivark

If you have such an assistant in the kitchen as a multivarker, we will tell you how to make canned fish in it.



Before you make canned fish, cut the mackerel: cut off the head, remove the insides and ridge, and remove the skin from it. Then cut the fish into pieces.

Onions clean, wash and grind too. Put the onion first, then the mackerel and spices, salt everything and turn on the "Quenching" mode for 4 hours.

When the set time is up, add the tomato paste, mix everything and cook the dish for another 2 hours. Serve canned food with any garnish.

Canned fish in tomato sauce

Preparing canned fish is a laborious process, but once you try them, you will see that the result is worth the effort.



Clean the fish from the entrails, fins and heads, wash and cut into pieces. With a bow, remove the skin and chop it with rings. In the pan, lay the layers of fish, sprinkle with red pepper, salt and put the bay leaf, and top cover with onion rings, adding peas of black pepper. Fry all this for 15 minutes, then transfer to a deep bottom pot, pour in oil, vinegar and water and simmer on a small fire until it boils. Then add the tomato paste, close the lid and cook for another hour.

When you turn off the fish, wrap the pan in a blanket, let it stand for 2 hours, and then spread the canned fish in tomato to cans, let it cool and store in the refrigerator.

Home canned fish in oil

Preparation of fish canned food under this recipe will take more than 10 hours, but you will not have to stand this time at the stove, since the time will be required for sterilizing the dish.



Cut off the head and fins of the fish, remove the insides of the ridge and cut into portions of any size as you like. Take a few half-liter jars (2-3, as it will) and stack the fish in layers, not forgetting to season with salt and black pepper.

When all the fish have been laid, pour into each jar one spoon of vegetable oil, necessarily refined. Cover the jars with metal covers and put them on the stove. To do this, cover the bottom of a wide pan with a tissue napkin or towel, put jars on it and pour so much water that it almost completely covers them. Turn on a small fire and sterilize the fish for 10 hours.

At this time you can do your own business, but do not forget to periodically pour water into the pan. When the time is up, remove the jars of fish, cover them with plastic covers and allow to cool at room temperature. Store canned fish in oil in the refrigerator.

At home, you can not only preserve, but also salt fish , such as salmon. And lovers of home preparations from fish and meat, we recommend trying out a recipe for stewed own cooking.