Kurnik - recipe

Kornik is a traditional dish of Russian cuisine. In the old days it was served only to the festive table, and it's not surprising. The dish really has a unique royal taste.

If you have not tried the kurik, be sure to prepare it, and our recipes will help you.

How to cook a classic kurik - a simple recipe from puff pastry?



Chicken meat is brought to the preparedness in salted water, we cool a little, grind, season with ground black pepper, salt, melted butter and mix.

Rice crock and three chicken eggs boil until cooked. Eggs are cleaned, let through a grater or finely chopped, mixed with rice and add to taste the crushed greenery of parsley and dill.

If you use forest mushrooms, they must be pre-cooked until ready. Champignons immediately washed with cold water, cut and fried with pre-peeled and sliced ​​onions in a pan until cooked. At the end of the frying season the mushroom mass with ground black pepper and salt to taste.

You can use the remaining pancakes from yesterday's meal or cook fresh according to your usual recipe.

To prepare the kurik, we also need two layers of puff pastry of different sizes. We roll them a little, the smaller of them is placed on an oiled baking tray, smeared with sour cream and put on top one pancake. We spread the chicken filling from the top, cover it with the second pancake and cover it again with sour cream. Now the turn of filling from rice and eggs and again a pancake, which is also smeared with sour cream. The final layer there will be a mushroom filling. We distribute it evenly, we cover with the last pancake and cover with sour cream.

Now cover the whole structure with a large dough layer and close its edges with the edges of the lower layer. From the remains of the dough we cut out decorations, place them on the surface of the kurik, from above on the center we make a small hole for the exit of steam, and we smear the surface of the cake with the remaining beaten egg.

Determine the baking sheet with the kurnik in the oven heated to 220 degrees and hold for forty to fifty minutes or until browning.

The recipe for the yeoman dough


For yeast dough:

For pancakes:


The first step is to prepare a yeast dough for a kurik. In warm milk, dissolve the yeast, add the egg mixed with salt and sugar, melted butter, sifted flour and mix soft, but not sticky dough. We place it in a warm place for about two hours for proofing.

In the meantime, we will prepare the filling and pancakes. Cook until ready in different containers chicken, rice and two eggs. Mushrooms are washed, cut into plates and fried with pre-peeled and chopped onion until cooked. Boiled chicken meat cut into small slices, add chopped greens of dill and parsley, melted butter and mix. To the rice, add the peeled and chopped eggs and the green onion feathers and also mix. Each of the fillings season with pepper and salt to taste.

Milk is mixed with egg, salt, vegetable oil and flour until homogeneity. If necessary, pour a little more flour. We bake pancakes from the received dough in the traditional way.

Approached the dough is divided into two halves. One of them is rolled up to a little more than the diameter of the pancakes and placed on an oiled baking sheet. We spread the mushroom filling from above and cover it with a pancake. The next layer will be chicken with greens, and again a pancake. Then lay out the rice filler and cover it with a pancake on top.

The second part of the test is also rolled out with a layer and we cover the kurik from above. We cut the edges of the two layers and protect them nicely. We decorate the surface of the kurik with figures cut out of dough, grease with beaten egg, make a hole from above, pierce the cake almost to the bottom, and determine it in an oven heated to 200 degrees, about thirty minutes or until red.

On readiness pour into the hole made from above chicken broth, we cover the kurik with a towel and leave to insist for one hour.