Electronic pregnancy test

When a woman notices the delay of menstruation, there are still doubts about the presence of pregnancy. Earlier there was only one way to determine whether a pregnant woman is pregnant or not - this is a trip to the doctor for a gynecologist. But already more than 10 years there is an opportunity from the first day of the delay to learn about this at home using special tests.

For many years, the possibility of diagnosing pregnancy at the earliest possible time has been improved. And now the modern generation is given a lot of gadgets that help in this matter. The most recent development to date is the electronic pregnancy test. Since this kind of test appeared in our markets relatively recently, it is not very popular yet, but the demand for them is growing every year. The peculiarity of this line is that the electronic pregnancy test is reusable. And this is the best solution for those who plan their pregnancy and for fans to check the result in different ways.

How accurate is the digital pregnancy test?

The electronic test for the determination of pregnancy is not just another novelty, or trend of fashion, but also the most reliable of modern ways of determining the presence of an attached fetal egg to the uterus at an early stage.

The state-of-the-art electronic test of the company Clearblue is the most affordable and popular on our market. He is able to determine not only pregnancy a few days before the delay, but also her term, if you take the Digital series, which has the indicator of conception.

Nevertheless, manufacturers recommend using the test from the first day of the delay, in this case the company guarantees the correct result by 99.9%. Nevertheless, the manufacturer company conducted research on the results of the electronic pregnancy test for Klearblu 4 days before the start of menstruation. After clinical trials, the tests showed the following percentage of positive results in subjects of pregnant women:

But if the result was negative, then there is a possibility that the level of the hormone "pregnancy" of HCG has not yet reached the required amount, and the test does not determine it. In this case, it is necessary to repeat the result on the day of the proposed menstruation.

But weekly indicators of the pregnancy period coincide with the results of ultrasound by 97%, although this study is carried out at a later date.

How much does an electronic pregnancy test cost?

The cost of the electronic pregnancy test is quite high (about $ 5), but it fully pays off, considering all its advantages. Undoubtedly, it is necessary for women who are very much awaiting the onset of conception. Instead of a bunch of cheap tests with questionable quality, you can buy a reusable digital pregnancy test and use it as needed, and it is always at hand, so the costs can be equalized, but the quality remains with the electronics. Such tests are equipped with a monochrome digital screen. Some of these tests can remember the result and even have the ability to download it to your computer.

How to use the electronic pregnancy test?

Instructions for the use of an electronic pregnancy test are the same as for others. Apply the necessary monthly from the first day of delay, in this case the accuracy guaranteed by the manufacturer will be more than 99%, per serving of fresh, preferably morning, urine. And expect the result in 3 minutes.

It is worth recalling that the test only helps determine the presence of pregnancy, but does not show how the fetus develops. Therefore, an examination with a gynecologist is mandatory.