What vitamins are in a persimmon?

Those who prefer to grow stout and hurt in winter complain that there are no seasonal fruits and vegetables on the shelves of markets and shops, while imported and hothouse products will do more harm than good. But, as they say, there are those that are looking for opportunities, and those that list the reasons. Let's put ourselves in the first category and we will satisfy our beriberi with real ones, only in winter accessible, super vitamin fruits, which include persimmon . Before proceeding to what vitamins can be found in a persimmon, let's talk about the entertaining facts associated with this fruit.

Interesting Facts

In Latin, the name persimmon means the food of the gods.

It is known that persimmon is originally a Chinese fruit. For thousands of years, exclusively the Chinese have had the opportunity to get healthier with the vitamins contained in the persimmon, and only relatively recently, the fruit migrated to Japan and Asia, then the Caucasus and Europe. Today, the most famous Caucasian persimmons persimmon, Japanese persimmon and chocolate persimmon "korolev". In general, there are more than 500 varieties in the world.


Persimmon is a third of sugar, so this useful fruit can not be eaten by diabetics.

On all other persimmons can only act favorably, and even the slimming of its sweetness will not go to the detriment.

To begin with, what vitamins contains persimmon:

From carbohydrates persimmon contains glucose and fructose, and most of the composition comes to persimmon juice, which is very useful for diseases of the throat and mouth.

But it is important not only what vitamins are rich in persimmon, but also that it contains a lot of minerals and biologically active substances:

Persimmon contains many tannic substances, because of this, it should not be eaten after the transferred operations associated with the gastrointestinal tract, as well as people prone to constipation.

Beneficial features

If the list of what vitamins are in a persimmon, did not convince you immediately to jump up and run for this "food of the gods", we "will" get you its multifunctionality.

First, carotene. We have already said that persimmon coloring indicates a high content of carotene, a precursor of vitamin A. Carotene is useful for the eyes and lungs. It serves as the prevention and treatment of a variety of eye diseases, and also helps to avoid bronchitis and pneumonia. We advise you to pay attention to this fruit to smokers.

Secondly, cardiovascular activity. The high content of sugars is harmful to diabetics, but not to the cores. Sugar, contained in a persimmon, nourishes the heart muscle, strengthens blood vessels and normalizes the work of the heart.

Due to tannins persimmon contraindicated prone to constipation, but these same substances will help with liquid stool and diarrhea.

Persimmon has a diuretic effect, therefore it serves as a preventive maintenance of kidney diseases, it helps to avoid stones in the kidneys and bladder.

Due to the high content of vitamins A and C, a persimmon is very useful for anemia and beriberi. It strengthens the immune system and is especially useful in the period of acute respiratory infections. If you are already late with prophylaxis, rinsing the throat with persimmon juice or simply using its fruits abundantly will relieve the inflammation from the throat.

Cosmetic properties of persimmons are also known. With enlarged pores, oily skin and frequent acne should make a mask of persimmons. To do this, mix her pulp with 1 egg yolk and apply on face for 20 minutes. One or two procedures and a greasy skin balance are established.

We hope that now you are convinced that it is not so easy to call the fruit a "food of the gods".