What is better - a convector or an oil heater?

Quite often people experience a lack of heat in their home or apartment, and therefore think about buying additional heaters. The most popular of them for today is oil or convection type.

The principle of heating in both, and in the other, the same - convection. The way of air movement differs. And here people ask themselves: what is better - a convector or an oil heater? And to understand this, we offer a comparative characteristic of these devices.

How does the convector differ from the oil heater?

To compare an oil heater and a convector, let's consider the advantages and disadvantages of one and the second device.

So, the advantages of an oil heater. Initially, they cost less, and in subsequent maintenance cost less, including the bills for electricity. Such devices require less electricity than other types of heaters. At the same time, they perfectly keep heat in the room for a long time.

Small dimensions and mobility allow using the device almost everywhere - even under the table. They are much safer in terms of fires, that is, to prevent a dangerous situation, it is not necessary to clean all objects around when you turn it on.

Now let's look at the advantages of the convector. They heat the air much faster. And if in your house there is a system of air outlets, convectors will quickly warm up all available rooms. In this case, the heat will be distributed evenly, in contrast to the use of heaters.

Without the presence of a system of air outlets this advantage does not exist for convectors, but still they warm up the room rather quickly.

Now about the shortcomings. First, let's look at the shortcomings of oil heaters . As it became clear, they warm up the room more slowly. First, the oil warms up, and only then begins the heating of the air. So the process is delayed for a longer time.

It is difficult to heat large rooms with an oil heater, unless you leave them on continuously, which is fraught with a huge bill for the use of electricity. In addition, it is dangerous when an oil leak occurs. This can cause burns and irritation of the skin.

Disadvantages of the convector . At them they are reduced to that after a certain time after the beginning of work they become less effective because the heat goes to the ceiling. And if there is a draft in the room, the recirculation of cold air through the heater can lead to its overheating.

In addition, convectors are often the cause of fire in homes. And in the maintenance they are expensive because of the large consumption of electricity.

What to choose - convector or oil heater?

With the question of which heater is more economical - oil or convector, we have decided. Everything is relative here, since in fact an oil pump draws less electricity from the outlet, but it needs more time for high-quality heating. So both options are economical or not depending on the situation.

An additional advantage of convectors is that the wall and plinth models can be hung on the wall, replacing them with central heating radiators. This saves space on the floor, makes it easier to clean.

Both devices are environmentally friendly, since they do not burn oxygen, because there is no open fire in either. Although they raise dust in the process of work. Without it, the work of neither heater nor heater is not complete.

The choice of this or that variant should be weighed and based also on the service life of the device. In practice it has already been found out that convectors work without failures longer than oil heaters. And their high cost is justified by this fact.