Hair treatment at home

Remember the nursery rhyme: "... Grow, braid, to the waist, do not drop hair ..."? And in fact, there is no girl who does not dream of having a long thick braid, and no woman who does not want to see on her head a chic hairstyle. But the desired and real, unfortunately very often does not match. Exhaust themselves ladies chemistry, paints and styling, and as a result of the hair, instead of becoming more beautiful, only fade and fade. What to do? There are two options. The first is to contact specialists, pay a lot of money for unfamiliar procedures in the hope that they will create a miracle. But a miracle may not happen. And the second - to take your head in your hands and begin treatment of damaged hair at home. Yes, the second option requires a lot of effort and a long time, but the more joy you get from the victory over the problem. And this article will help you with this.

Struggling with fat and dandruff

It should be noted that deviations from the norm are twofold. It depends on the age and the used cosmetics. In youth, hair is more often bowed in the direction of excessive fat loss, which can also accompany dandruff. And with age, under the influence of chemical influences, the locks on the contrary become dry and brittle. Let's first talk about treating at home oily hair.

Firstly, that hair greasy type looked neat, they need to be washed often. And do not be afraid of this, just when washing, take for yourself the rule of making water not hot, but only comfortably warm. And instead of shampoo, use baby soap with chamomile or string. Ideally, it will wash the head with tar or sulfuric laundry soap, and do not be afraid of an unpleasant smell, it very quickly disappears, and the hair after a few procedures get a healthy, attractive look.

Secondly, medicinal plants play a significant role in the treatment of hair at home. Every time after the bath, rinse the clean head with decoctions of oak bark, chamomile, marigold, string, plantain, nettle. All the above mentioned plants have astringent, antiseptic, hemostatic, vasoconstrictive properties, which helps reduce the secretion of subcutaneous fat, tones hair follicles, strengthening hair along its entire length. Decoctions are prepared from the calculation of 1 tbsp. l. a spoonful of dry raw materials for 1 cup of boiling water, insist for about an hour, strain, cool to a pleasant temperature. Broths can be made from one type of grass, changing the species from one time to another, or mixing two or three plants, but in the next rinse you still need to take the others.

Henna also has a very good effect. It dries the scalp, thereby eliminating greasy shine and the formation of dandruff. Here's a great recipe for henna to treat fatty hair at home. A teaspoon of henna should be brewed with boiling water to the consistency of gruel, add 1 egg, 1 tbsp. l. sour cream, 5-10 drops of oil vitamins A and E, 1-3 drops of your favorite aroma oil, you can and without it. The resulting mixture is thoroughly mixed and slightly heated in a water bath. The mask is applied to the scalp, dividing the hair into strands, putting on the beach cap and wrapping the head with a towel. Keep the mask for thirty minutes, then rinse with soap and rinse with a decoction of the above mentioned herbs. The procedure can be repeated 10 times a day, and then once a week. If you do not want to become a redhead, then use white henna, only it is more aggressive, can pinch your skin.

We do not need dryness

Now let's talk about the methods of treatment at home for dry damaged hair. To wash such hair it is necessary not more often than once a week, and having picked up a good shampoo for the given type of hair. Water at washing is better for doing hot, as the skin suffers. This will stimulate the natural secretion of subcutaneous fat. Also a good effect will give hair treatment with oils. They are applied by massaging movements in front of the bath for 20-30 minutes, pre-heating. Good effect is oil of plantain, calendula, burdock, jojoba, chamomile, geranium. And no, hair dryers, tongs, ironing, curling and staining.

As you can see, you can restore beauty and life to your hair and, without resorting to the services of expensive clinics. It is necessary only to have patience and start treatment of damaged hair with herbs and oils at home.