Plots and rituals on the Red Hill

Red hill is called a holiday, which is celebrated on the first Sunday after Easter. Pagans believe that the patron saint of this day is the sun god Jarilo . Since ancient times the holiday was called Fomina Week. On this day on the mountains and valleys were various fun, held rituals and even weddings. People believed that marriage, concluded on the day of the Red Hill, will be strong and happy.

Plots and rituals on the Red Hill

On this day, you can conduct rituals that allow you to attract happiness, wealth, love, etc. Many of them took place in the form of a game. For example, to find out who will be happy this year, people would climb a mountain and roll off colored eggs from it. The man, whose egg rolled smoothly and as a result did not break, was considered lucky.

Many rituals, signs and rituals on the Red Hill are associated with marriage and love. A girl who wants to get married should have baked a loaf of bread on this holiday. Then you need to take two needles and speak them. For the first, one should say these words:

"A good merchant, bring me a wedding ring. As they call you, they know about that. And I have a ring for a young woman, and bread for salt on the table. The truth to my words for the measured! "

After that, on the second needle, one should say such a conspiracy:

"I am beautiful girl blush and prigozha. She played the sparrow, the bridegroom beckoned. Goy, you fellow, al boyar, al merchant, al visiting fellow. Come on bread and salt. The truth is my words for the measured! ".

When the needles are conspired they should be stuck into a loaf, which must first be sprinkled with salt. Put the loaf in the corridor on the threshold until the morning. When you wake up, take it and put it on the highest place in the house for a year, for example, on the closet.

Another rite, which will attract a second half: you need to take a container of rose water and put fingers into it, which on your forehead should draw a sign of Venus. The remaining liquid pour out the threshold of the house, but if you live in an apartment, then sprinkle the water on the door handle and the bell. It is recommended during the ritual to constantly represent the image of the future lover who comes to the door and calls.

Consider the ritual on the day of the Red Hill on the subject, which must be held at sunrise. On any hill, single girls gather and, holding hands, form a vicious circle. In the center should stand a girl who wants to get married and when the sun appears, you should say such a conspiracy:

"Hello, red bright sun! Celebrate, clear paillette! Because of the mountains, get out, on the bright world, get up on the grass-ant, on the blossoms on the azure snowdrops, in the rays of the eyes, run, warm the girl's love caress, kindly look at the good fellows in the soul, take the spirit out of the soul, throw the living water into the key . From this ray in the hands of a red maiden, a dawn-zoričnica. Zorenka-yasynka was walking, she lost her keys. I, the girl (name), walked along the path-passed, found the golden key. Whom I want, I love, whom I know myself, and I lock my soul. I close them, that golden key, a good fellow (name) for many years, for long springs, for ever-vechensky, a secret inviolable curse. Amen".

A large number of signs and rituals on the Red Hill is associated with fertility. The most important and effective ritual was carried out by all the women of the village. They harnessed into the plow, and young girls should be behind, and adults - in front. Headed by three old women with icons. Women should plow a deep furrow around the village. If after the closure of the circle a cross was obtained - this was considered a good sign. This ritual helped protect the whole village from the ills and improve the harvest this year.

How to properly conduct a rite on the Red Hill for wealth?

If you perform a ritual on improving your financial situation on this day, you can cope with serious financial problems. To implement it, you need to have an icon with the image of Jesus on the throne. Take the water from the spring or the sacred and speak it, saying:

"In the Seven Temples there are seven pillars,

And in one thing only, God forbid,

To that God's pity is the true word.

Put God down, God himself Solomon.

Who before God's hand will touch,

With these words the holy icon will be washed,

To that rich fate will be opened, treasures will be exposed,

Gold, silver, will be sad for the Servant of God (Name)

Truly there is, it will be true,

God forbid Servant of God (name) for ever and ever will not forget.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Holding an icon over a basin, water it with water, and then be sure to wash it with water. The remaining liquid should be poured under a tree. The ritual should be held for three consecutive years. It is important not to tell anyone about attracting magic.

Conspiracy to fulfill the desire for the Red Hill

For the ritual, you need to take a group of icons, called "God Almighty." They can be bought in any church shop. Again, we need water, which should be spoken, saying:

"Jesus Christ was coming from heaven,

Nes holy miracle Cross,

He healed the sick, helped the poor,

Glory and honor erected.

My God! My God! Help me, too.

Do for Christ's sake for me (this and that and that).

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now, ever and ever and ever. Amen".

Take the icon and, holding it over the basin, pour water three times with the water. The liquid that was in the pelvis, you need to wash. Then pour out the water under the tree. Conduct the ceremony for three consecutive years, and you can make different wishes.