Plot on the Ring

Many people like different ornaments and rings are the most popular, and they can become powerful talismans that can attract luck, wealth and love. To read the plots on the ring is best on the growing moon, conducting rites in solitude and not telling anyone about attracting magic.

Plot a ring for luck

For the ritual, it is allowed to use any decorations and not necessarily to be made of precious metal. The main condition - the ring should be like, and it would be comfortable to wear every day. The rite should be started after sunset, but on the street should not be overcast. The ring is hung on a thread of red color, so that the pendulum finally turns out. Keep the jewelry on the thread and say these words:

"Be a ring, happy and successful.

I'll conclude the fortune in a circle, never turn away from me, will not go away.

Always with me luck, for centuries and hand in hand. "

The ring will bring luck in any area of ​​life, like work or personal life. It is best to wear a ring on the middle finger, which will make you more confident in yourself.

Plot on the ring for love

The presented rite should be chosen in the event that the relationship with a loved one has deteriorated. To prevent separation, to return harmony and happiness, it is necessary to conduct a ritual, for which you will acquire a new handkerchief. Go to the church to sprinkle it with holy water and buy there a silver ring on which it says "Save and save." In addition, for the ritual, you will need seven thick red candles. After midnight place the candles on the table and light them. Handkerchief pass through the ring and say such a conspiracy to a new ring:

"I will go, servant of God (your name), I'll go in a pure field, Through the door, through the gate, I'll seek my happiness. A ring on the ring, A ring on the kerchief, Help the ring, the servant of God (his name). Ostepeniti, in love with me. Word-lock. Amen. Amen. Amen".

After that, go straight to bed, having read the prayer "Our Father" seven times in bed. In the morning it is important to stand with your right foot. The handkerchief must be given to the husband so that he carries it with him, and put the ring on his left hand on the ring finger. It's important to wear jewelry seven weeks in a row.