How do you know who caused the damage?

Many people, realizing that they have been damaged and fortunately managed to cope with it, do not even want to hear about who their ill-wishers are. Such people can be understood: spoiling usually leads to very serious consequences in all spheres of life, a person who has suffered from witchcraft intricacies is simply not physically up to it. But, believe me, the most correct question that you can ask yourself in this situation is how to find out who caused the damage.

Why do you need to know the enemy in person?

It is more than likely that your abuser is a person close to you, hiding in the corner and plotting a new plan of spoilage. You trust him - he harms you, accordingly, you are powerless in your ignorance, and he is omnipotent in knowledge.

Usually, people whose spoilage did not work the way they want will be beaten even more next time. Probably, they are already making plans for the destruction of your family, the disease or even the death of relatives.

We hope, now you realize the seriousness of how it is necessary to determine who caused the damage.

Signs of spoilage

The algorithm of your actions is as follows:

So, the first - determine the presence of witchcraft. We'll figure it out, how to understand that the damage was done.

The following unpleasant symptoms are observed in people affected by the magic effect:

Here, approximately so. But, of course, the symptoms of spoilage can be much greater.

The second step is the victory over corruption. You can turn to a professional sorcerer. In this case, he will do for you and the third step - the calculation of the offender. And if you get rid of spoiling yourself, you will need our last recommendation - how to check who caused the damage.

We find the abuser

For this ritual, you will need a saucepan with filtered water and a natural wax (paraffin wax is not suitable).

Melt the wax in a water bath, and begin to gradually pour it into the cooled water with a thin stream. In parallel, say the following:

"I pour the wax into the water, I pour out the name of my enemy."

The stronger the damage, the more distinctly the enemy will be displayed in the wax. You can see the sex of the offender:

This method can help, determine the profession of the offender, habits . In any case, if you are careful enough, you will understand who is talking about the patterns of wax.

Return the received

Your natural reaction will be the desire to learn how to restore induced spoilage. For the final stage of work with spoiling you will need the following:

To begin with, put the heart on a plate and pierce all 9 nails (thorns). In this case, invest in your actions all the hatred, anger, resentment, a desire to return to your enemy all that has been received.

Then say the plot:

"I call out the one who harmed me, who sent the spoil on me!" Now I hurt you! Wherever you are, come to me immediately. Through all obstacles, the seas and oceans, mountains and land! "

Strew the last, big nail.

Now build a fire (do not do it publicly) and burn the heart with nails. The remains of the burnt must be buried in the ground, in a "dying" place, reading the following words:

"Let all evil and all hatred return to him who brought it upon me."

After that, your abuser will try every possible to meet with you and give you back damage. We recommend the next few days to sit out at home, not to see anyone, and do not lend anything to anyone.