Inexpensive and effective candles from constipation

One of the effective means in the fight against constipation are suppositories with laxative effect. We learn the opinion of specialists-gastroenterologists and proctologists about which candles are best used for constipation, and we will do this with a bet on rectal preparations from the low-cost category.

Suppositories Bisacodyl

Bisacodyl is one of the inexpensive and effective candles for constipation. Suppositories can be used by adults and people of advanced age with constipation associated with hypotension of the intestine. As a result of hydrolysis, the amount of fluid in the large intestine increases, and the bowel is completely emptied. The price of the drug is 0.5 cu.

Glycerin suppositories

Perhaps the cheapest candles for constipation are glycerol suppositories. According to doctors, this is the safest rectal agent, since it practically does not give any side effects and has no contraindications to the use. It is the glycerin supplements recommended for use by women during pregnancy and patients in the stage of exacerbation of hemorrhoids. Glycerin, which is part of the drug, gently affects the intestinal mucosa, thereby stimulating the peristalsis of the rectum. The cost of packaging candles - within 0.2 cu.

Candles with sea buckthorn oil

Successfully applied from constipation inexpensive candles with sea buckthorn oil. Although this tool does not apply to drugs with high efficacy, it helps if problems with emptying occur from time to time. Suppositories with sea buckthorn oil are safe: they are prescribed for constipation to children and pregnant women. Restriction on the use of the drug is only one - an allergy to sea buckthorn. The sea-buckthorn candles cost about the same as glycerin ones.

Suppositories Relief

Relief candles have a complex effect: they eliminate constipation, neutralize pain sensations in cracks in the anus and hemorrhoids , relieve inflammation, promote tissue regeneration. Such a wide range of effects is provided by the content of shark liver oil and cocoa butter in the preparation. The cost of rectal suppositories Relief about 0.5 cu

Rectal preparation Evacueux

Evakya - candles from the constipation of fast action of the new generation. Gas-forming suppositories are considered a convenient alternative to enemas . Gas increases the rectal motility, polyethylene glycol softens the stool, and the water that enters the candles liquefies them. Defecation occurs, after only 5-7 minutes after application of the drug. Packing in 6 candles costs less than 1 cu.