When does toxicosis start?

Toxicosis, or early gestosis, is a condition that occurs in response to the appearance of a fetal egg in the body of a pregnant woman. Many women who are trying to determine the possible presence of pregnancy, are interested in the question: "When does toxicosis start from conception?". It should be noted that this criterion is very subjective, and in every woman toxicosis can start and flow in different ways, and some may not be present at all.

When there is a toxicosis during pregnancy?

So, on what week does toxicosis begin? As we have already said, each organism is individual and in some women toxicosis appears immediately after the delay of menstruation, and the other starts from 5-6 weeks. Toxicosis before the delay in menstruation is very rare.

And at what time does the toxicosis stop? In any case, if the clinical manifestations of early toxicosis are present, then this condition lasts no longer than 14 weeks from the moment of conception.

Toxicosis in pregnancy - symptoms

The appearance of symptoms of toxicosis is due to the release of the embryo's products of its vital activity into the mother's body and sucking them into the pregnant woman's blood. Therefore, when there is toxicosis, then we can say that the embryo moved to the uterine cavity.

Symptoms of early toxicosis include:

The greatest danger is nausea and vomiting. With mild nausea, it is possible to take such drugs as cerucal and metoclopramide, and severe vomiting shows hospitalization with intensive treatment. Frequent vomiting is dangerous by the loss of electrolytes, minerals, vitamins and dehydration of the body. In the absence of the effect of therapy, abortion is indicated for medical reasons.

How to avoid toxicosis during pregnancy?

Many doctors believe that if there is no toxicosis, then this is normal, and its presence indicates the slagging of the body, which affects the developing fetus. First of all, the toxicosis of the first trimester of pregnancy can be a manifestation of malnutrition, misconduct (smoking, alcohol abuse), overwork and frequent stress.

A hereditary factor plays a significant role in the development of early gestosis. So, if the mother had an early toxicosis during pregnancy, then her daughter in 75% will also show symptoms of early gestosis.

If a woman decides to become a mother and keep pregnancy, then she needs to change her way of life (to revise her diet, to quit smoking and alcohol, to be more outdoors, to avoid stress and sleep at least 8 hours a day). Preference in food should be given to fresh vegetables and fruits, natural protein (low-fat meat, fish and eggs), it is necessary to exclude from the diet unnatural foods that contain preservatives. It is necessary to refuse sweet carbonated drinks, coffee and juices in tetrapacks, and instead use purified water and green tea.

Therefore, to the question: "Does everyone have toxicosis?" - it can be said with certainty that the risk of the appearance of toxicosis in women who lead a healthy lifestyle and feeds rationally is minimal.

So, we not only found out at what time the toxicosis appears and how it manifests itself, but also sorted out how to reduce its manifestations or even avoid it. With the manifestations of toxicosis can and should be fought, because it is nothing more than a constant poisoning of the body.