Strengthening bones - the best ways after fracture and with osteoporosis

Bones - the frame of the human body, but it is durable only in appearance, and is immune from injuries and age changes. Strengthening the bones will help to cope with emerging problems, incl. osteoporosis, arthritis and other diseases. This can be done with the help of a special diet and affordable folk remedies.

Bone tissue - features of the structure

A strong skeleton is the support of the body, and it is necessary to monitor its health from a young age, loading with an optimal load, consuming the necessary amount of nutrients and caring for the condition of the joints. But before you ask yourself how you can strengthen the bones, you should understand their structure. The structure of each bone is not uniform. It consists of a special type of connective tissue, formed from:

Bone tissue is a perfect kind of tissue of the internal environment of the body: light and just as strong, consisting of living cells, basic building materials. The outer layer of the skeleton is covered by a uniform and hard shell, the so-called compact fabric. Inside is a spongy bone substance - a system of cavities of plates.

How to Test Bones for Strength

To understand whether the musculoskeletal system needs help, you can after a special examination - densitometry. This procedure is safe and painless, consists of using an X-ray machine to evaluate bone tissue, identify thinning, cracks and other things. Early diagnosis can help prevent the development of serious pathologies, including osteoporosis. Women over 45 and men over 50 are recommended to be examined at least once a year. How to check bone density yourself? Unfortunately, this is impossible, a person only feels the consequences of their thinning.

What strengthens human bones?

Diseases of the musculoskeletal system are pursued not only by people of mature age, after 35-40 years bone tissue ceases to grow actively. Wrong way of life literally flushes calcium from bones. Alcohol, smoking, caffeine, abuse of sweet and salty, fractures and inflammation of the joints, insufficient physical activity - all this leads to loss of vitamins and elasticity of the skeleton. Bones need to be strengthened from the very childhood, laying the foundation for the harmonious development of the body.

What products strengthen the bones?

Proper nutrition gives the body the necessary amount of nutrients for the development and preservation of bone strength. The most important element is calcium, its deficiency is felt first. It is found in dairy products, herbs, cabbage, broccoli, beans, beets. A lot of controversy raises the question: Does milk strengthen bones or not? Studies of Swedish scientists have shown that excessive consumption only weakens the bone system, as calcium is used to normalize the acid-base balance.

So what do you need to eat to strengthen the bones? Food rich in trace elements - magnesium , phosphorus, zinc, manganese, protein, vitamins D and C. Products that strengthen bones contain these substances in sufficient quantities to fill the daily rate. It is recommended to include in the diet:

What vitamin strengthens bones?

The main vitamins that strengthen bones are D and C. The latter is necessary for the formation of collagen, which provides bones with flexibility and reduces the risk of fractures. Vitamin D helps calcium to pass into bone tissue. This strengthens the skeleton. Together with the consumption of vitamin-rich foods it will be useful to stay in the sun for at least 10-15 minutes a day.

What drugs strengthen the bones?

If the bones are weak, susceptible to thinning, there may be a need for taking medications, dietary supplements, vitamin complexes that promote health. They can be divided into drugs that strengthen the bones and relieve the symptoms of the onset of disease. For people of different ages, they can vary. The most popular of the drugs:

  1. Calcium and its analogues are regulators of phosphorus-calcium metabolism with a high content of important elements.
  2. Bonviva, Osteokoa - drugs shown with a decrease in bone tissue.
  3. Collagen Ultra and other combined agents with collagen.
  4. Gemmos, Emmos - vitamin and mineral-organic complexes.

How to strengthen the bones at home?

And without the use of special complexes and drugs, you can get rid of diseases of the musculoskeletal system and prepare the body for loads. How to strengthen the bones by yourself? Along with the right diet, you need to put physical exercise into the regime of the day. Strengthening the bones by charging is a useful practice. Strength training loads the skeleton, bone tissues are constantly regenerated, becoming stronger. Suitable exercises: strength training, expander and sports training equipment, running, cycling, skipping rope.

How to strengthen the bones after a fracture?

Particular attention needs strengthening of bones after fracture. Products that are rich in silicon will help restore integrity: cauliflower, radish, Jerusalem artichoke. (Silicon has a serious role in the formation of bones, hence the legend that the beer containing it strengthens the bones). You should not forget about calcium and vitamin C. In the future, you need to connect the exercises. At the first stages, gymnastics are useful in water, massages. A damaged limb can be well developed by charging with a ball, stretching, exercise therapy. Strengthening of damaged bones is carried out under the supervision of doctors.

How to strengthen bones in osteoporosis?

Progressive skeletal disease leads to a decrease in bone density due to a reduction in the number of bars per unit volume of each bone, their curvature or complete resorption. To eliminate brittleness, medical methods are used:

Preventive measures do not save the disease, but the risks are significantly reduced. Self-strengthening of bones in osteoporosis includes:

Folk recipes for strengthening bones

Restoring the body through alternative medicine is safe and effective. The benefits of home methods have been tested for many generations. Strengthening bones with folk remedies involves the use of decoctions, tinctures, creams and ointments based on natural ingredients. The simplest and most effective recipes:

  1. Crushed eggshells are an active food additive, an alternative source of calcium. Carefully washed, dried, it is crushed and added to cereal, dairy products one teaspoon. It is advisable to eat at breakfast.
  2. Fir oil , rubbed into the skin, and infusion of fir helps to heal the cracks faster, treat the joints. With arthritis 10-15 g of needles pour 0.5 cup of water, boil for half an hour, use for compresses.
  3. Ointments and creams of mummy applied to the affected area, or internal reception of this substance, promotes the fusion of bones. Alcohol tincture is taken by 30 drops per 100 ml of water by a course of 10 days.

Strengthening bones is a long process, requiring an integrated approach. Even in adulthood, after suffering injuries and illnesses, the musculoskeletal system can remain healthy - a reliable frame of the body. To support his person should with the help of proper nutrition, control over the incoming vitamins and moderate load on the skeleton.