Cupcake with cocoa

Chocolate cake is always appropriate, and if you do not have real chocolate, you can replace it with cocoa powder. Delicious and simple recipes of this dessert you will find in our article.

Cupcake with kefir with cocoa



Egg yolks rub with sugar and vanilla, mix everything with melted butter. The flour is sieved with a baking powder and added to the egg-and-oil mixture. The resulting steep dough is bred kefir. Penultimate in the dough is cocoa powder, and behind it - whipped into the whites, which should be carefully "wrapped" in a cake dough. Now the mass can be distributed in a baking dish and sent to bake at 170 degrees 90 minutes.

You can also bake a cake on kefir with cocoa in a multivarquet: we set the "Baking" mode for 60 minutes, and we leave to do our own business.

Curd cake with cocoa in microwave oven

This recipe can hardly be called a cake, it is something like a curd casserole , tender and airy, in a cake way. To complement such a treat you can do anything, from chocolate chips, to chopped nuts.



We fill the munk with hot water and leave to swell for 30 minutes. Eggs beat up with sugar until uniform, add the swollen semolina and mix. Cottage cheese grinded through a sieve and mixed with sour cream. We connect the egg-manna and curd mixtures, add soda and cocoa. We put the mass in a greased form and bake in a microwave at full power for 7-10 minutes. We decorate a ready cake-casserole with powdered sugar, cocoa, fruit, or chocolate glaze and serve it to the table.