Protein damage

Depending on the origin of the protein found in them, the proteins are divided into meat, milk, egg and vegetable (among which the main place belongs to soybean). Milk protein is of two main types: casein (made from curdled milk) and whey (made from whey). The fastest digestion and absorption into the blood is whey proteins.

There is an opinion that proteins are harmful to our body. Is it so?

Is there any harm from the protein?

We ask this question differently: is there any harm from the protein? Since speech in this case is about the same thing.

We note the following. Men may be allergic to soy protein, because sometimes it includes phytoestrogens, which are similar in their effect to estrogens - female sex hormones.

A side effect can occur on gluten - in those people whose digestive system does not perceive it. But in both cases, it's not about the harm of the protein, but about the individual intolerance of some of its components. That is, similar immunity in humans can exist for any other products.

There is an opinion that the side effects of the protein cause serious damage to the body - in particular, by destroying the kidneys and liver. However, studies have shown that the recommended dose of protein does not harm internal organs.

Protein causes a reaction from the kidneys only when the kidney disease already exists (although it does not manifest itself clinically), or when a person has a pronounced hereditary predisposition to it. But these undesirable effects from taking the protein completely stop after it is canceled.

As for the liver, it is hard for her when an excess of protein enters the body, because in this case the liver is overloaded with the products of its decay.

Thus, whether you will benefit from protein or harm, depends on the following:

  1. Your individual tolerance of a particular protein.
  2. Possible diseases of the liver and kidneys.

If you do not see such problems, and you adhere to the correct dosage of taking - no side effects on your body protein will not.

The effect of protein

Not less than the excess protein, for our body is undesirable and its lack. In the human body, throughout his life, there is a struggle for balance, which is driven by decaying and re-emerging proteins (proteins).

In children, the process of protein formation is much faster than the process of their destruction - it is because of this that children grow. When the picture changes, and the destruction of protein in the body goes more rapidly than its creation - comes old age and, subsequently, physical death.

In other words, the effect of protein is manifested in the fact that it facilitates the process of life itself for our body. However, despite its exceptional importance, the protein can bring us benefit or harm - just like any other product. Therefore, when using it, take note of what was written above, and also take note of the following:

  1. For good health, the person needs the following proportions in his diet: 30% protein, 10% fat, 60% carbohydrate.
  2. Protein is nothing more than a refined, concentrated protein without fats and carbohydrates.
  3. A person who is engaged in sports (especially with force types) needs two grams of protein a day for every kilogram of his weight.
  4. No harm to a healthy body protein is not, because it is not chemistry.
  5. To eat protein is equivalent to the fact that there are proteins of boiled eggs.
  6. All proteins are made from natural products, and they are allowed to be used at any age.
  7. Why are the proteins on sale in the form of a powdered powder? Just because it's so convenient.