Morning exercises for weight loss

A lot of controversy revolve around morning physical activity. We are supporters of the movement at any favorable opportunity, so we suggest that you allot 15 minutes for a daily morning gymnastics.


Morning exercises for weight loss and morning training are not the same thing. Morning exercises are done immediately after awakening (sometimes even without getting out of bed), and the morning workout should be performed, already waking up entirely - 30-60 minutes after waking up.

Selection of exercises

  1. The complex of morning exercises should consist of a moderate load on the entire body. If you have 15 minutes, then the first 5 minutes scroll for a workout, 5 for strength exercises (moderate) and 5 for stretching and restoring breathing.
  2. Exercises for morning exercises should start with a quick walk, jumping, and running with bouncing.
  3. Standard morning exercises for women should include exercises on the legs, buttocks and press. Poprisedayte, make attacks, legs and legs and 1-2 exercises on the press.
  4. We finish by stretching exercises sitting on the floor.


The goal of morning exercises is to save you from the "stagnation" in the body after a night's sleep. Effective morning gymnastics activates blood circulation, lymph flow, stretches the spine and improves the mobility of the joints. In a word, it does everything to get to work in full vigilance and to protect you from injuries that can easily occur with relaxed, not awakened muscles after sleep.

If it so happened that morning exercises are the only physical activity throughout the day, your task is to select the most complete set of exercises. You can choose the general asanas of yoga , or even dance under invigorating music.