Robot vacuum cleaner - which is better?

Just a few years ago, a robotic vacuum cleaner for cleaning seemed to us just an expensive toy, but today the technology develops simply with cosmic speed, so this technique appears all in more people. On what to base your choice of a robot vacuum cleaner - let's talk in this article.

What are the manufacturers of robotic vacuum cleaners hiding from us?

Before buying this equipment it is important to understand that in essence they are electrovenics , which manufacturers are trying with their best efforts to assign the title of vacuum cleaners. Therefore, they have the same power - not as high as vacuum cleaners.

The most powerful robot vacuum cleaner is Neato. It does a good job of collecting dust from carpets, although it is a source of loud noise during operation. And yet it can not become a one hundred percent replacement of a conventional vacuum cleaner - you still need to clean up dust and dirt once or twice every 1-2 weeks more thoroughly.

Another point to look for when choosing a robot vacuum cleaner: even if the model is endowed with side brushes, they can not clean out debris and dust from the corners. For this purpose, only vacuum cleaners of special shape - semi-square ones - manage (or try to cope). It is better to have side brushes besides this.

Another thing: do not buy a marketing ploy to attract potential buyers from manufacturers who offer the use of a large base where the vacuum cleaner will throw out the garbage.

Firstly, such a base is rather cumbersome and there are difficulties with its location in the house. Secondly, such bases are often completed with dust bags and you will be ruined for their purchase. Thirdly, it happens that the robot vacuum cleaner shakes the garbage into the base not completely and part of it falls out directly to the floor.

Which robot is the best vacuum cleaner?

To determine which robot cleaner is best, you need to make a small comparison of the main competing producers on the market. And we will compare such robots-vacuum cleaners: iRobot, Neato and iClebo.




Summarizing all of the above, you can say for sure that robots, vacuum cleaners from iClebo are the best in terms of price and quality, because they are well equipped and with prices lower than their competitors.