Therapeutic gymnastics in scoliosis

Scoliosis is a curvature of the spine, which in our day can surely be called the disease of the century. The fact is that because of the sedentary lifestyle, scoliosis is peculiar to people of both school and mature age. Gymnastics for the back with scoliosis - this is the most important part, which allows you to heal and feel good.

Gymnastics against scoliosis

It is worth noting that it is physical exercises that are currently considered to be the simplest and most productive method of combating the curvature of the spine. In this case, it is necessary to adhere to a common scheme for all, which makes such gymnastics safe and useful.

  1. You should always start with an articular workout. Twist the neck, brushes, elbows, shoulders, ankle, knees, hips in a different way, follow the slopes in different directions.
  2. Do not forget about the warming up of the muscles - for example, you can use exercises with a rope or running on the spot.
  3. Constantly strive to maintain your posture in a perfectly even condition.
  4. Gymnastics should be performed not from case to case, but regularly, otherwise it just does not have an effect.

Corrective gymnastics in scoliosis is shown to adults and children. The most important thing at the same time is to perform exactly the exercises that are appropriate for your particular type of scoliosis. Concerning this, you will be consulted by the attending physician, because gymnastics with thoracic scoliosis and its other forms can vary significantly.

Therapeutic exercises with S-shaped scoliosis

Consider what exercises are suitable for patients in the event that their diagnosis is S-shaped scoliosis. This is one of the frequent types of this disease.
  1. Perform pull-ups on the crossbar - if not out of the position of the visas, then at least from the ground, holding at once slightly bent hands over the crossbar.
  2. Sitting, hands behind head. Turn your shoulders so that the entire body below remains motionless.
  3. Lie down so that your shoulder blades hang from the bench or sofa. Be bent and sag.
  4. From the same position, rise and fall down a small amplitude.
  5. Lie down on the bench on your stomach so that the shop ends in the area of ​​the belt. Maximum bend down and rise up. At the advanced level, add burdens.

The best way to fight scoliosis is exercise and a flexible way of life. Attend sports training, go for walks, move!