Aerobic and anaerobic load

In sports, there is a clear division into the load depending on the intensity: aerobic and anaerobic load. There are also so-called mixed, but they do not replace the main purpose of training. The difference between these two species is the saturation of muscles with oxygen during exercise. That is, if anaerobic gymnastics does not deliver a large amount of oxygen for the purpose, then with aerobic problems with it.

The difference between aerobic and anaerobic

The most important thing that you should pay attention to is the pulse rate, namely, its ratio with the heart beat. To determine the degree of aerobic endurance, you need to subtract your age from the coefficient of 220. If, for example, your age is 40 years, then the maximum heart rate is 220-40 = 180 beats per minute. However, the recommended pulse for aerobic training should be a maximum of 90%. It turns out, for a 40-year-old man, the heart rate should be within 160 beats per minute.

Anaerobic load begins with values ​​above 50% of the resultant value. That is, with anaerobic training, the pulse of a forty-year-old man should be 90 ((220-40) / 2) strokes and higher, depending on the intensity and orientation of the training.

With anaerobic training, the body is aimed at working without oxygen, that is, it does not have time to develop under the influence of loads. Muscles tighten and lactic acid is produced in them. Anaerobic endurance can be short (up to 25 seconds), medium (up to 60 seconds) and high (more than 2 minutes).

The types of aerobic activities include: swimming , biking, aerobic gymnastics (aerobics), running. To anaerobic - raising the bar and training in the gym.

Aerobic exercise for weight loss should be conducted in accordance with certain rules. For example, you should perform more repetitions with a light weight and gradually shorten the break between the approaches. You should accelerate your pulse and increase sweating. In addition to these signs, breathing becomes more frequent. If all this is missing, then add intensity. But if on the contrary, you overdo it, it is better to rest. And when anaerobic training - on the contrary, increase weight, reduce repetitions and rest as long as possible between repetitions.

Do not worry that anaerobic loads will increase muscle mass and the body will look like a large ball. Girls should not be afraid of this because of a small amount of testosterone in the body. In any case, the more muscle mass, the more calories will be consumed with this or that action, and accordingly, and the extra pounds will go much faster. Since the muscles weigh more fat, the kilograms will go away, even if the arrow on the scales remains at the same value.

Despite the amount of training, what you have aerobic and anaerobic endurance , do not forget that you need to lose weight with pleasure!