Cyclamen - home care

Love for domestic plants is inherent in many men and women. The plant in the house is associated with coziness and warmth. A huge selection of home colors in garden supermarkets allows you to purchase even the most exotic plant. Nevertheless, some of the most popular pets have long been known cacti, violets, geranium, gloxinia, ficus and cyclamen. In this article, we'll talk about cyclamen and care for him at home.

Cyclamen conquers with its bright and original colors. Two types of indoor cyclamen are best known: European cyclamen and cyclamen Persian. Cyclamen Persian pleases the eye with its bright color even in winter, when most domestic plants sleep. It is during the cold period that this flower comes to flower. Many people acquire cyclamen precisely because of this feature. With proper care cyclamen bloom abundantly - more than sixty flowers per winter. Uncomplicated home care makes the flower cyclamen one of the most popular domestic plants. This plant is a perennial and will please its owners for many years.

Cultivation of cyclamen

Seeds of cyclamen are best planted in February-March, but it is possible and at another time. Seeds should be lowered to the ground to a depth of about 1 cm. After that, seeds should be poured with water and covered with earth. The germination period of the cyclamen seeds is quite long - 30-40 days. The room must be kept at a temperature of 18-20 degrees. Cyclamen germination occurs in the dark, and flowering occurs in autumn-winter.

How to care for a cyclamen?

The ideal temperature for a cyclamen is 18 degrees. Heat these flowers suffer worse than cold, at high temperatures in the room cyclamen quickly turns yellow and fades.

The basic rules of care for cyclamens at home:

  1. Watering. Cyclamen requires regular, but moderate watering. In this case, you must ensure that water does not fall on the leaves and tubers.
  2. Humidity. Cyclamen loves moisture, but does not tolerate direct water on the leaves. It is necessary to moisten the air near the cyclamen with the help of the smallest spray.
  3. Fertilizer. The plant should be fed in spring and summer with mineral fertilizers. In winter and autumn, the flower does not need top dressing.
  4. Reproduction of cyclamen. Cyclamen breeds not only from seeds, but also by dividing the tuber. The division of the tuber should be carried out at rest. On average, it takes 15 months before the cyclamen bloom begins. Some species bloom in 8 months.
  5. Cyclamen transplantation. When transplanting, you need to check the entire root system of the flower. Decayed roots must be carefully removed, after which the flower is transplanted into new soil and placed in a bright place.
  6. Cyclamen disease. The main pests of the flower are mites and aphids. Diseases affect the cyclamen due to improper care. Most of all, the plant is damaged by high temperature and excessive humidity. With abundant watering, rotting of the tuber can occur and the appearance of gray rot on the leaves. Dry leaves and flowers must be removed in a timely manner.

Cyclamen is not only the decoration of the house - this plant has healing properties. Juice from the cyclamen tubers is a very effective remedy for sinusitis.

You can buy cyclamen in every flower shop. In large flower supermarkets, you can see the catalog of cyclamen with a photo and choose the flower you like. In any flower shop, you can get a free consultation on the care of these plants. Growing cyclamen and caring for them at home is a fascinating process that even in winter brings a piece of spring to the house.