Figures from plasticine

It is generally accepted that plasticine molding is a child's occupation.

Of course, it's not so difficult to occupy a kid with something interesting and useful. If the stock of paints has already ended and there is no free space for the arts on the walls, it's time to start modeling! This activity not only enthralls children, but also develops the imagination, creativity and motility of the fingers .

But not only children like plasticine molding. Many adults create masterpieces from plasticine. Made with love figures from plasticine, - it's interesting gifts and wonderful mood.

How to make figurines of plasticine? Beautiful ideas come true!

Make beautiful figures from plasticine is not at all difficult. Equip yourself with patience, prepare all necessary materials (clay, cutting molds, stacks, dry napkins, to wipe your hands) and get to work.

Before you begin to sculpt figurines from plasticine, you need to take a piece of it and warm it well in your hands, so that it becomes "obedient." While warming plasticine, think about what you'll sculpt, what shape the future figure has, what colors you will use.

There are useful figures for molding from plasticine, which you can cut a variety of interesting things. This is a very important detail that must be foreseen before the beginning of the lesson. Elements of children's plastic toys, sandboxes, tree twigs, matches and so on are suitable here.

Big starts with small

Let's say you decided to create a unique collection of colors from plasticine. Having determined the goal, find a picture that corresponds to your imagination, think over what shades should be created to make your article look perfect and start working.

It is not necessary to create masterpieces at once, you can start from small simple figures from plasticine, which can be made easily and quickly. There is no need to invent anything, just stretch the material and get to work. Probably the easiest thing to do is a bun. It can do both an adult and a child. Easy to mold simple figures of animals, snowmen, bugs, fruits.

You can make a beautiful picture of plasticine from plasticine - to sculpt several figures (say, fruits). Take a sheet of cardboard and, making a plasticine background on paper, proceed to make a picture. Twist the thin flagellum from plasticine among themselves, and stick to the plasticine base in the form of a basket. And then put fruit in the basket. Then the case depends on your imagination - decorate the background with flowers, ruches, a tablecloth from plasticine and present it to your best friend for memory!

Figures - toys for children from plasticine

A lot of telling a daughter or son about what to make of plasticine, it is not necessary. Children love to sculpt cartoon characters as they are imagined. Then give vent to their fantasies, but be sure to note who the little man sculpts (kind or evil creatures), what colors he uses for work, thereby not only learn about his talent modeling from plasticine, but also about the mood with which he proceeds to this work.

If you yourself decided to please your son or daughter and make them a plasticine gift - sculpt the children's figurines of your favorite fairy-tale creatures, crafts made of plasticine, which will become decorations and play the play! - the joy of the whole day is guaranteed.

Figures and children's crafts made of plasticine should be interesting, bright, beautiful, so that the kid, seeing them, not only wanted to play, but also to blind his figure, thereby developing attention and talent. Perhaps, he will become a brilliant sculptor in the future!

We make plasticine ourselves

In order not to buy plasticine in the store, you can make it at home yourself. The recipe is simple, like kneading dough for vareniki, only with additional ingredients (the recipe can be found on our website).

To sculpt from "home" plasticine is a great pleasure. It does not stick to your hands and turns out to be pliable to your fantasies and finger movements, so it is suitable for making any compositions.

So first, for modeling with the baby figurines from plasticine, make a good material by yourself at home, saving money and time for shopping trips.

So, how to mold figurines from plasticine? Yes, it's easier than that. We are already convinced of this. From the heat of your hands it becomes soft and takes on any shape. And then - a matter of imagination and imagination.

Let plasticine creations be bright and beautiful, such as today!