Didactic games in the senior group

The development of babies 2-6 years old occurs according to certain laws, taking into account their age skills. If in 3 years children usually have basic concepts, for example, about colors, shapes and geometric figures, then by the age of 5-6 they are already learning to perform simple mathematical actions. Didactic games conducted by kindergarten teachers also differ depending on the skills and abilities of the children.

Didactic games in kindergarten

These classes are training in a game form, when according to a pre-set scenario, children must perform certain actions. In fact, this is a kind of active learning, which is good because kids perceive it as a fun game. It is based on the situation that the teacher describes to the children, and then invites them to play. As a result, students learn different concepts, expand their horizons, develop attention, learn to think and analyze.

For didactic games in the older group often use visual material from the teacher's file. These are cards with colorful pictures depicted on them (for example, an apple, an umbrella, a guitar, a fireman, etc.). In addition to the card file, you can use musical instruments, sports equipment (balls, hoops, skipping ropes) and all sorts of improvised tools.

Examples of didactic games in the older group

Most often, games on the topic of professions, seasons, mathematics, as well as musical and didactic games, are held in the senior and preparatory group. Here are some examples of such activities.

  1. A game for the development of auditory attention. You will need up to 10 items that produce different sounds: a whistle, a drum, a book, wooden spoons, glass glasses with water, etc. The educator walks behind the screen and plays sounds for a minute: rustling the pages of the book, tapping with spoons, pouring water. At the end of the children should in turn retell the words what sounds they heard (preferably in order). In addition to hearing, this didactic game is aimed at expanding the vocabulary of children.
  2. The game "Geometry for Toddlers". Children are given colorful sticks of different lengths, and it is suggested that they be folded into geometric figures. For the students of the preparatory group, you can complicate the task: for example, to fold a large or small square, a blue or yellow diamond, a triangle inside the rectangle.
  3. A game for the development of visual memory. The visual environment will serve as visual aids. Children in order of priority should be named as many items of the same size (shape, color). For example, Misha should see around himself a maximum of blue things, Kolya - round, etc. This didactic game is convenient because it can be held both in the group's premises and on a walk.
  4. The game "Types of professions." Children should name the profession by the set of instruments used (pan, syringe, fire hose, pointer, etc.), which are drawn on cards.
  5. Didactic game "Shop". It has many variations: a toy store, dishes, food, etc. This lesson is aimed at developing vocabulary, attention and ingenuity. All children are broken up into pairs, and each child in turn is appointed by the buyer. When he comes to the "store", he asks to sell him a certain product, without naming him. For example: red, ruddy, juicy, crunchy (apple). This item must be drawn on the card. The seller, in turn, must guess and "sell".

Also in the senior group, you can conduct other didactic games aimed at acquaintance with specific professions. For this, the card file is also actively used: according to the image of the end products of labor (dress, bread), children guess about the professions of the people who created these things (tailor, baker).