Games for kids 2 years

The kid turned two years old and his horizon begins to expand gradually. It's time to start playing active, active and cognitive games with him. The child can still hardly concentrate for a long time on one thing, but this time is enough to interest him and teach him to have fun and usefully.

Do not sacrifice yourself and always devote developing games, because children in 2 years should be able to play independently for a short time. Any simple joint business can be turned into an exciting game, thereby teaching the child everyday wisdom and doing his work on the au pair.

Two-year-olds are actively imitating adults and want to be like them. This can bring a double benefit. Regardless of sex, the kid learns to help his mother get clothes from the washing machine, and the mother, in turn, voices clothes.

In the kitchen, the child can be instructed to sort the forks and spoons into different cells. So at it the elementary concept about the big and small subjects is developed, the kid learns accuracy.

Moving games for children in 2-3 years

For a good coordination of movements for children at the age of two, a variety of ball games are needed. The adult can throw it, and the kid tries to catch. Of course, at first the child may not succeed, but from this the game will not become less fun. Football is also a good entertainment for girls and boys - it's not so easy to hit the awkward foot of the ball.

Children 2-3 years of useful games with the imitation of fairy-tale characters. For example, reading a book about a bear-faced bear, the child actively repeats after his mother how the bear moves awkwardly and its reaction to the fallen cone. Any familiar rhymes to the child can be told, imitating their heroes.

Kids, starting from two years old, begin to perceive themselves separately from their mother and love to play role-playing games. A child can be a doctor or a salesperson, and a mother may be a patient or a buyer. There are plenty of options - dream!

Developing games for children in 2-3 years

Playing at this age is the main occupation of the child. Through it, the kid learns to cognize the world, with her help, parents can teach the child the basics of mathematical calculation and logical thinking . For this, it is not necessary to buy expensive educational toys and sets. Usual improvised funds will not be worse.

A kid can learn to count from one to three, playing dice or getting a biscuit from his mother. All events in life can be counted with a child and gradually he will begin to understand the values ​​of the account and figures. You can begin with the concepts "a lot" and "little", so the child will be easier to understand.

Important activities aimed at the development of speech and memory. It is useful to memorize the lungs of the quatrains, even if the child is not yet very well spoken. And what games for children of 2-3 years do without drawing and modeling? The coloring of the contours drawn by the mother, the fingerprints of the fingers and the palms bring the children into raptures and they can not be torn from this occupation.

For the smallest, it's easy to use a ball clay, because it does not spoil clothes and surrounding objects, and bright colors and pleasant to the touch attract the child's attention.

Choosing a child toys, think about whether the baby will be able to extract from them the maximum benefit for his development, or it's just a senselessly advertised attribute of a modern child, without which you can do without. It's better if they are simple, and suitable for story-role games.

A small child is not hard to get carried away by an interesting game. Games for kids 2 years should not be too complicated for his age and require a lot of expensive improvised tools. The main thing here is the wit and desire of the parents.