Pickled Herring

Salted or pickled herring, of course, can be bought at the store, but we'll tell you how to pickle herring properly at home. Below are a few recipes, among which you exactly pick the one that you will like.

Herring, marinated at home



For marinating it is advisable to use fresh herring, but if you have frozen, then it will also work. The main thing is to unfreeze it in a natural way, in no case should you use a microwave or water. So, we clean herring, we remove head, entrails. Finished fillet washed under running water, lay out on the board with the inner side up. Sprinkle with salt, sugar, sprinkle with vinegar. If you like coriander, you can sprinkle it on top. Now the herring is folded, wrapped in a plastic bag and sent to the refrigerator for about 12 hours. We cut the pickled herring into pieces, pour it with sunflower oil and lay on top the rings of onions.

Herring, marinated in tomato



Herring clean, divide into fillets. We prepare marinade: combine tomato juice, sugar, salt, oil, vinegar, add pepper and bay leaves and bring to a boil. Onions cut into rings, fillets in small pieces. Now put herring in a suitable container, shifting onions rings, pour hot marinade. It is important to use a hot, not boiling marinade. The herring, filled with marinade, we leave at room temperature before cooling. Then we send in the cold for about a day.

Herring, pickled in Norwegian - recipe



For this recipe it is better to take a large fat herring. We connect milk and water. Soak the herring in the resulting liquid and leave it for 10-12 hours. After that, we clean the fish, remove the insides, divide into fillets and cut into pieces. We prepare marinade, for this mix vinegar, sugar, grated carrots, pepper, horseradish. We lay the pieces of herring, on top of the ring of onions and fill it with marinade, we put it in a cool place. After 3 days, the herring is ready to serve.