Stages of child development

In this article, we will talk about the periods (stages) of child development, consider the main characteristics of each stage of development of thinking in the child and talk about the main principles of education and harmonious development of the child, taking into account these periods. We also.

Age stages of child development

The following main stages of the child's mental and physical development stand out:

  1. Intrauterine . This period lasts an average of about 280 days - from conception to childbirth. Intrauterine development is extremely important for the child, because it is during this period that all organ systems are laid, and according to some experts, the first subconscious memories and impressions of the world around.
  2. Neonatal ( neonatal period). The first 4 weeks after birth. At this time the baby is weak and vulnerable - the slightest change in environmental conditions can affect his condition. At this time, it is very important to ensure proper care for the newborn and to monitor the maintenance of comfortable living conditions for the baby.
  3. Thoracic (the period of infancy ). From the 29th day of life to a year. At this time the child actively grows and knows the world, learn to own his own body, sit, crawl, walk, etc. Teeth erupt in children. Parents of babies should not forget to carefully monitor the health of their children, and when the slightest symptoms of ill health appear, consult a doctor.
  4. Nursing (pre-school period). From 12 months to 3 years. At this time, the skills and abilities of the child (both physical and psychological) are very quickly improved, speech and thinking improve, and active growth continues. The main form of activity in this period is a game by which the child learns the basic laws of the world and learns to behave in different roles and situations. Toddlers learn to communicate with their peers, they want to play with other children, which increases the risk of infectious diseases (whooping cough, measles, scarlet fever, chicken pox, etc.).
  5. Preschool . Begins with 3 years and ends at 7 years. During this period, children are ready to master difficult skills - embroidery, riding a two-wheeled bicycle, sewing, etc. At the age of about 6 years, usually begin to change their teeth.
  6. Junior school age . This period covers the age from 7 to 12 years. The skeleton and muscles of the child at this age are noticeably stronger, the milk teeth are completely replaced by permanent teeth. This period is the stage of active development of attention in children. It ceases to be only involuntary and the kid learns to control his behavior, by the effort of his will to force himself to focus on the task assigned to him.
  7. Senior school age (puberty). Begins usually at the age of 12 and lasts an average of 16 years. The period of the next "jump" in growth and development, as a result of which many systems of the organism become unstable, functional disturbances are often observed. It is very important during this period to provide the child with a full and varied diet, with a balanced the ratio of vitamins, minerals, proteins, carbohydrates and fats.

The main stages of speech development in children are nursery and preschool. At this time, it is especially important to provide the baby with a sufficient number of speech examples to follow, talk as much as possible with the child, read it aloud and encourage the manifestation of speech activity, carefully controlling the correctness and purity of speech. Taking a great interest in popular and, certainly, useful theories and methods of early development, do not forget that the kid has the right to be a child, to play, learn and make mistakes. Do not take away his childhood only because of his dream to grow up a child prodigy.