Shy child

Shyness is a feeling familiar to every adult. And this is normal, because the situation is different. It's another matter if shyness is a companion of life from childhood. If shyness is not an inherent property of temperament, then it must be disposed of as early as possible. Agree, the situation when the child hesitates to answer at a lesson or go to the toilet in school, it is difficult to call normal.

Help shy child

Before trying to help a shy child, parents should understand the true reasons for this feeling. It is possible that the kid simply does not have the formed communication skills. Then it must be patiently taught them - the result will be noticeable almost immediately.

Remember, a shy child is a vulnerable, tender, defenseless nature, so reproaches, shyness of other people ("and he's so shy!") Will only exacerbate the situation. Patience is the main task of parents who are concerned with how to teach a child not to be embarrassed by other people.

The main thing to do if the child is shy is to teach him to respect himself and not be afraid of difficulties. It's so easy to say "I'm shy" without trying to do anything. This phrase can remain a phantom shield for the rest of life.

Model the situation. Ordinary everyday situations: communication with a saleswoman in a nearby supermarket, paying for a fare in a fixed-route taxi or a bus, talking with a woman walking the same dog as you. And let the first time the child speaks by memorized phrase-patterns. After a while he realizes that there are a lot of friendly people around, and communication is a pleasant pastime.

Counterattack for shyness

There is an unusual way how to overcome the shyness of the child by his own forces. It is necessary to find in it that quality or skill that surpasses similar skills among peers from the circle of communication. For example, your son skates well on roller skates or swims remarkably well. Support his desire to hone his skills. The saying about the "wedge wedge the wedge" here is quite appropriate: one skill can overcome shyness. The child should know that there is a certain area in which he is the leader. This will increase his self-esteem, save him from frivolous fears and phobias.

Patience, support, understanding - and everything will be fine!