A child sleeps with a half-open eyes

A dream with open eyes is just a dream for students, soldiers-conscripts standing in dresses and even some office workers. Then the problem of lack of sleep for these categories of population would be solved forever. Neuroscientists say that soon it can be easily realized, since it is established that some parts of the brain can fall asleep while the person is awake. But the strategy of such falling asleep is only being developed and the only method available so far is not to sleep for several days in a row. In this case, the dream will come spontaneously and unnoticed in any situation and at any position of the body. However, the consequences of such experiments can be absolutely unpredictable - from easy injuries to serious bruises and even accidents, so it's better not to take risks.

And the poop of jokes, sleep with open eyes is not a myth. And this is often the case with young parents watching the baby. If a child sleeps with open or slightly opened eyes, this can cause some anxiety, because it looks, at least, unusual. Despite this, the fact that the child sleeps with half-open eyes, in most cases there is nothing terrible and this is completely understandable by the normal laws of sleep and child development.

Why do children sleep with their eyes open?

The phenomenon, when a newborn is sleeping with open eyes, is called lagophthalmus and, as a rule, is not a violation of sleep in a child . Scientists explain this phenomenon by the fact that most of the time the child is in the stage of active sleep, during which the orbit can move, roll up, and the eyelids - open slightly. There is nothing to worry about, but if it worries parents very much, you can try to carefully cover your eyelids without waking up a crumb.

The baby does not sleep with the open gases after about 12-18. months. In older children, this phenomenon can be of a periodic nature and can be caused by emotional overexcitation of the baby during the day. The cells of the brain are overstrained and, as a consequence, the incomplete closure of the eyelids. In such cases, sleep with open eyes is accompanied by other signs of anxiety - screaming, twitching of limbs.

If after a year and a half the child continues to sleep with his eyes open, the reasons, perhaps, should be sought from specialists. Perhaps the physiological underdevelopment of the century and some neurological disorders.