Azu in Tartar with pickled cucumbers - very delicious recipes of dishes with different meats

Azu in Tartar with pickled cucumbers will bring a lot of variety to the boring everyday menu, fill it with new flavor colors. The dish will transform any cereal, potato or pasta garnish or can be served alone along with lavash, fresh bread.

How to cook azu with pickled cucumbers?

The recipe for aza in Tatar with salted cucumbers is simple and does not require special professional skills from the cook. A few correct tips and proportions of components will help to cope with the task even for a beginner in the kitchen.

  1. To prepare the dish, you can traditionally use lamb, beef, horse meat or take pork, chicken, cut the product into cubes or cubes.
  2. Instead of salted cucumbers, it is not advisable to use pickled cucumbers or those that are saline with a lot of spices. Fruits before adding to the dish shred with straws, cubes.
  3. The meat is fried for saturation of taste, and then it is fried with tomato, cucumber, other vegetables and seasonings.
  4. Especially popular is azu with pickled cucumbers and potatoes, which is fried separately and added for 10-15 minutes before the end of cooking.

Recipe for Beef with Salted Cucumber

Among the numerous versions of the preparation of the dish is in special honor aza in Tatar with salted cucumbers and beef. Instead of tomato paste, you can use grated fresh tomatoes, tomato juice, sauce, ketchup, adding ingredients to the desired degree of saturation and diluting with water to the desired density.



  1. Fry in beef oil until blush.
  2. Add the onion, lay the cucumber.
  3. Mix the paste with flour and a glass of water, add the adjika, pour the mixture into the saucepan.
  4. Season aze of beef with pickled cucumbers, put it under the lid to the softness of meat, adding garlic at the end.

Recipe for azu from pork with pickled cucumbers

Azu from pork with pickled cucumbers is prepared with the addition of carrots and often potatoes. The dish turns out to be self-sufficient, nutritious and satisfying. It can be served on the second for dinner or for dinner. Meat from any part of the carcass will fit for the recipe: the flesh of the scapula, the back, the neck or even the rib.



  1. Fry the meat.
  2. Add onions, carrots, and after 10 minutes cucumbers, pasta, a little water, stew until soft ingredients.
  3. Separately fry the potatoes until ready, shift to the meat, adding garlic, greens, seasonings.
  4. Stew aza in Tartar from pork with pickled cucumbers for 10 minutes.

Chicken azu with pickled cucumbers

If you need to get a quick dish for filing for dinner, a chicken and salted cucumber recipe for chicken is the best choice. Chicken fillet quickly becomes soft and harmoniously fit into the overall vegetable palette. A more delicate taste will be with tomatoes in its juice instead of tomato paste.



  1. Fry separately potatoes, onions and chicken.
  2. Combine the ingredients, add the cucumbers, the paste diluted with water.
  3. Season the aza in Tatar with chicken and pickled cucumbers to taste, add the garlic and pruned for 10-15 minutes.

Azu without potatoes with pickled cucumbers

Meat soup with pickled cucumbers is an excellent nutritious and delicious addition to garnishes. If desired, the laconic composition of the dish can be supplemented with carrots, stems or celery root, Bulgarian sweet pepper, chili. The basic ingredient may be beef, pork, chicken or lamb.



  1. Slice the meat and fry in oil.
  2. Add onion, fry 10 minutes.
  3. Pour everything sauce, add garlic, spices and seasonings, languish azu in Tartar with pickled cucumbers to the softness of meat.

Recipe for azu from turkey with pickled cucumbers

Dietary and low-calorie version of a spicy dish can be obtained by using turkey fillet as a meat base. Potatoes are traditionally fried in oil in a pan before being added to the saucepan, baked on an oiled baking sheet in the oven or cooked at high power in a microwave until soft.



  1. Separately, fry in turkey, potatoes, onions with tomato paste and pickles.
  2. Combine the ingredients in a common container, add garlic, a little water, salt and spices.
  3. Stew azu of turkey with pickled cucumbers under the lid for another 15 minutes, adding greens at the end of the longings.

Azu from mutton with pickled cucumbers

The recipe for azu from mutton with pickled cucumbers is one of the classic. It is preferable to use the meat of a young animal, without a distinctive specific odor. The most suitable seasoning in this case is a mixture of hops-suneli or self-selected assorted with coriander, ground chili.



  1. Fry lamb with onions in butter, and cucumbers and potatoes on the vegetable.
  2. Combine products in a saucepan except potatoes, add tomatoes along with the juice.
  3. Lay garlic, coriander, seasonings, stew the dish for 1.5 hours, adding 15 minutes before the end of cooking potatoes.

Azu with mushrooms and pickled cucumbers

The recipe for a classic azu with pickled cucumbers can be varied by adding mushrooms: forest, mushrooms or oyster mushrooms. You can prepare the dish either with the addition of fried potatoes, or without it, if you need a substantial addition to any side dish for dinner or for dinner. The correct spicy taste of the dish will add a mix of Georgian or Abkhaz spices.



  1. Fry separately in oil meat and onions with carrots.
  2. Fry until the moisture evaporates the fungus, add cucumbers, paste and allow a couple of minutes.
  3. Combine two fries and meat in a saucepan, add a little water, lay seasonings and garlic.
  4. Stew azu with pickled cucumbers under the lid until the meat slices are soft.

Azu with ribs and pickled cucumbers

Meat on the ribs is famous for its sweetish juicy taste and is used for cooking a wide variety of culinary masterpieces. Azu is no exception and can be brewed from cut into slices of slices of pork or beef ribs, thanks to which it is possible as a result to be especially rich and tasty.



  1. Ribs are cut and fried in oil.
  2. Separately, the onions are sauted, celery, cucumbers and tomato are added, allowed for a couple of minutes.
  3. Transfer the fry to the ribs, add a glass of boiling water, season the dish.
  4. Thin azu with potatoes and pickled cucumbers until the ribs are soft.

Azu from rabbit with pickled cucumbers

From non-traditional versions of cooking dishes can be noted a recipe for a delicious azu with pickled cucumbers from a rabbit. The dietary properties of meat have a beneficial effect on the nutritional value of the food, which can be made even more useful if we exclude the preliminary frying of the ingredients.



  1. Rabbit meat is fried in oil.
  2. Add salted onions with carrots, cucumbers, pour in the wine.
  3. After 3-5 minutes, lay the paste, add broth, rosemary, garlic, seasonings.
  4. Cover the container with a lid and rinse the contents until the meat is soft.

Azu with pickled cucumbers in the multivariate

Azu with meat and pickled cucumbers without zatey is prepared with the help of a multi-cook device. In fact, adapt to the capabilities of the device you can absolutely any recipe, using different types of meat, adding mushrooms, raw or pre-fried potatoes, all sorts of vegetables and juicy additives.



  1. Fry the potatoes in butter on the "Baking" potatoes, put them in a bowl.
  2. Add oil to the bowl, lay meat, fry until blush.
  3. Add onions, cucumbers, pasta, broth or water, season with mass, add the garlic.
  4. Switch the device to "Quenching" and continue cooking for 1.5 hours.