What should a child know in 6 years?

As a rule, by the age of six, the child already accumulates a certain amount of knowledge. To enter the school, various tests are conducted in the kindergarten by the tutor, and then the teacher together with the psychologist, in order to calculate the degree of readiness of the child to study the school sciences.

Let's find out what the child must know in 6-7 years, and what gaps in his education will need to be filled, so that by the time he sits at the desk, he knew a lot and had an idea about the world around him.

Ability to draw and write

The child from an early age actively develops small motor skills and already at the age of three years he paints pretty well with pencils. This skill is different for everyone, and to find out what goes well with a particular baby, you need to watch him. For six-year-olds, the norm is:

  1. The ability to properly hold your fingers with a pen and pencil, because this directly affects the quality of the letter.
  2. The kid should be able to conduct smooth lines, including in the composition of figures - triangles, squares and others.
  3. The same goes for the various broken and wavy lines.
  4. Ability to correctly color an object, a plant, an animal, namely to choose the right colors.
  5. In addition to coloring, shading with lines of any closed contour is also important, without going beyond it.
  6. A child by the age of six can already draw a simple house, a tree, a little man and other simple drawings.
  7. In addition to drawing pictures, the child needs to be able to accurately write printed capital letters of the alphabet, as well as numbers. It is desirable that the future student clearly see the lines and cells and try not to go beyond them - that is, it was neat.

You should carefully look at the actions of the baby from year to three, and notice with which hand he takes a pencil or spoon. After all, if the child is left-handed, and we actively force him to take everything right, with a letter and drawing problems will arise.

Knowledge of children 6-7 years old about the world around them

This generalized concept includes many simple questions, in our opinion, that characterize the child's cognitive and memorizing activity. A child at 6 years of age should have the following minimum knowledge:

  1. Address (country, city, street, house number, apartment).
  2. Surname and name of your and your parents.
  3. Family composition (brothers, sisters, grandmothers, grandfathers by name).
  4. Know where and by whom parents work or have an idea of ​​what they are doing.
  5. Knowledge of the seasons, their order and the main features, as well as the days of the week.

Mathematical knowledge

For successful learning, a child already at the age of 6 must have some knowledge and skills in the field of mathematics. They are very simple, but very important for the baby.

Of course, the main thing is figures. A child by six years is able to call them from 1 to 10 in order and back, and also knows how they look.

Based on the knowledge of numbers, the kid should be able to arrange cards with their image in order.

In addition to arithmetic, the child will need the simplest knowledge of geometry, and this means not to confuse the circle with the square, but the triangle with the oval.

Should the child read?

The modern pace of life and learning gives us a huge load, starting with the first classes of the school. Therefore, it is desirable that when they come there, the child already knew how to read well . After all, if he does not have this skill, he will have to urgently mobilize his forces, as well as the strength of his parents, to keep up with classmates.

But if, for certain reasons, learning to read did not come out before entering the first grade, the future student still needs to know the letters, distinguish between vowels and consonants, and also be able to connect them into syllables.

Here are such simple, at first glance, requirements, are presented six years. And in order to understand if your child meets them, try testing it, but without too much pressure. If something does not come out, then this is not a reason to panic, but a guide to action for catching up the missed.