Why do my children not listen to me and snap?

While giving birth, and after raising a child, parents rightly hope for gratitude, but most often at different stages of growing up they receive disobedience, and even aggression , instead .

The one-sided answer to the question of why the child constantly screams, snaps at the parents and does not obey, no one can give. After all, in each case, there are reasons for this, but let's try to consider the most common of them.

Why do children not listen to their parents?

Babies, especially at the age after two years simply do not know how to express their negative feelings and emotions in another way. That is why, in the form of protest, children do not obey their mother when they consider that they are right. The way of disobedience and hysterics is the only one available to them than they actively use. The exit from this situation can only be kindness and understanding on the part of parents, but not punishment.

Many parents are puzzled: "Why do my children not listen to me and snap at me, literally on the level ground?". Already at an early school age, rudeness in response to a common request can give the child the usual impotence. After all the child, being even a teenager, realizes his complete dependence on the parents, but wants to be independent, not knowing how.

How can I help him?

Yes, yes, it is the child, and through him and myself. He suffers from his bad behavior and he, and not only close ones. First of all, it is necessary to establish a dialogue, and at any age. Only calm, deliberate words from adults and a sincere understanding of the experiences of a son or daughter, can change the situation.

If you do not understand why the child does not obey the first time, then listen to him carefully. Perhaps this is how he wants to convey that he has a tense situation with one of his family members or peers, and he thus tries to involve the people closest to him in solving the problem, but not through requests, but in such an unpleasant way.

When it is difficult to understand a child's actions and it is absolutely necessary to take more active measures than a heart-to-heart talk, do it not by corporal punishment, which further suppresses the growing personality, but deprives pleasure. This is an effective method, but it must be clearly adhered to and do not turn off the chosen path.