How can I pump cubes on my belly to a girl?

A beautiful body relief is the goal of many people who are intensely engaged in sports. Working out the muscles of the press is one of the important components of the training and in order to achieve good results, you need to know how quickly to pump the cubes on the girl's stomach. Few people know that the desired relief on the torso is visible when the fat layer does not exceed 1 cm, so to get the result, you need to get rid of fat , and then work out the muscles. As for the anatomy, it is the trained straight muscle that is responsible for the cubes.

How can I pump cubes on my belly to a girl?

There are several basic rules that are important to consider in order to properly build a training and achieve the desired goal:

  1. Exercise is necessary on an empty stomach, that is, after the last meal must pass a minimum of two hours. If this rule is not taken into account, then nausea and feelings of heaviness can not be avoided.
  2. To pump muscle and get rid of excess fat, you need to practice regularly. Most coaches are similar in opinion that it is best to train every other day, giving the muscles time to rest.
  3. It is important to perform each exercise in 3-4 approaches, doing 15-20 repetitions each. Note that the load should be increased gradually, which is important for progress.

Talking about how to pump cubes on your stomach for a week, you can not ignore such an important component of the result, as nutrition. It is necessary to minimize the amount of incoming fat in the body and give up sweets and baking. In addition, be sure to drink water.

How quickly to pump the cubes on your stomach?

We will stop our attention on several effective exercises that are suitable both for classes in the house and in the hall:

  1. Lay down on the floor, raise your legs so that they form a right angle with the floor. Hold your hands behind your head. Exhaling pull your hands to your feet, lifting the upper part of the body.
  2. Lying on the floor, lift a little leg and body, shifting the emphasis to the buttocks. It is important to find a stable situation. Hands stretch out in front of you. Simultaneously lift the body and pull your legs, bent at the knees. After that, go down, but do not completely rest on the floor.
  3. Without changing the starting position, raise your legs to the parallel with the floor and bend them in your lap. Put your hands along the body, which will be an additional emphasis. Raise your legs upwards with your pelvis, performing twisting. After that, go down and do the following repetition.