Chronic fatigue - treatment

The syndrome of chronic fatigue is quite a frequent phenomenon for modern women leading an active lifestyle. Its main manifestation is a long inexplicable sense of weakness, decline of strength, weakness. The mechanism of the development of this disease is not exactly established, and there are several possible provocative reasons: a malfunction of the immune system, physical and mental overstrain, stress, psychiatric disorders, viral infections,

Treatment of chronic fatigue

How to treat chronic fatigue, what specific treatment will be required, the neurologist or therapist can determine. At the same time, regardless of the cause of chronic fatigue, the basis of treatment is the adjustment of the working, rest and sleep norm. Since we are all individual in our needs and habits, everyone has different working conditions, living conditions, etc., it is impossible to develop general rules suitable for all patients. However, nevertheless, it is possible to single out several important recommendations, observance of which will help to organize a personal regime of the day, allowing the body to dose and receive loads and rest, namely:

  1. Night sleep should last at least 8 hours.
  2. Work that requires mental activity should be alternated with physical activity.
  3. It is necessary to adhere to a certain time of going to bed and waking up;
  4. Go to bed in a well-ventilated room.
  5. You need to stick to the meal schedule, and dinner should be no later than a couple of hours before bedtime.
  6. It is desirable to take daily walks in the fresh air.

To restore the emotional and mental state specialists can recommend the mastering of relaxation techniques, autogenous training . Also, you should get rid of bad habits, drinking strong tea, drinking coffee, sticking to a healthy diet and consuming enough fluids.

In the treatment of chronic fatigue, drugs can also be used: enterosorbents, antihistamines, antidepressants, immunocorrectors, vitamin complexes, etc. Often physiotherapy procedures, massage, physiotherapy exercises are prescribed.

Treatment of chronic fatigue folk remedies

At home, the treatment of chronic fatigue can be supplemented by various recipes from traditional medicine. Basically, for this purpose, preparations based on medicinal plants with restorative, soothing properties that increase stress resistance are recommended.

Recipe for infusion


Preparation and use

Pour raw materials with boiling water, placing in a thermos, leave for 40 minutes. Filter, take in a warm form one glass three times a day before meals.