Systemic vasculitis

Systemic vasculitis is a group of diseases, the basis of which is inflammation of blood vessels. In this case, the special symptoms manifest themselves depending on the nature of the disease and the type of blood flow. There are several types of disease. In most cases, the appearance of the disease is associated with immune system problems, caused by infection. The disease affects all layers of the walls of the vessels.

Classification of systemic vasculitis

The disease has several main types:

  1. Nodular periarteritis is a partial lesion of vessels of medium and small calibers.
  2. Temporal arteritis is the inflammation of large arteries, which are mostly found in the head.
  3. Wegener's granulomatosis. This type of disease affects the blood pathways of the upper part of the respiratory system. After a time with this form of systemic vasculitis, the kidneys of the kidneys begin to damage.
  4. Takayasu's disease. It is also known as "Nonspecific aortoarteriitis." There is inflammation of the aorta and the largest arteries.
  5. Obliterating thromboangiitis is the defeat of veins and muscular arteries.
  6. Behcet's syndrome. This type of ailment manifests itself at once with several signs: inflammation of the mucous of the genital organs and eyes, stomatitis.

Symptoms and treatment of systemic vasculitis

The development of the disease is usually accompanied by different symptoms:

Treatment of systemic vasculitis directly depends on the type of disease. If you have these symptoms, you need to see a specialist who will prescribe all the necessary tests, chest X-ray and other diagnostic procedures to accurately classify the disease.

Most often for the therapy used anti-inflammatory drugs, drugs that improve blood flow and immunosuppressants - drugs that suppress the immune system. However, after establishing an accurate diagnosis, specialists of the appropriate profile are involved.

When complications arise, therapy is often required to be coordinated with a therapist, neuropathologist, surgeon, ophthalmologist and other doctors. It is important to have a unified approach in the treatment of ailment.