Bile stasis - treatment

Stagnation of bile, like many diseases, requires a special way of life. Recommendations on how to get rid of stagnation of bile, relate not only to the need for taking medications. Given that often this problem is caused by malnutrition, then the ration is the first thing that you need to pay attention to and what you will most likely have to change.

Nutrition for bile congestion

Patients with stagnation of bile are prescribed a diet, adherence to which is extremely important, because it is the main factor in the recovery of the patient. Features of the diet are listed below:

Treatment of bile stasis with drugs

On the question of how to treat stagnation of bile, the best answer is the doctor. To do this, he will need to conduct a detailed diagnosis, including several specific procedures. Treatment of bile stasis with drugs involves the use of special cholagogue funds, for example:

These are just some well-known medicines, at the moment there are a lot of them on the market.

Treatment of stagnation of bile folk remedies

Determine the choice of medication you will help your doctor. However, before going to the doctor, you can use several recommendations on what to do if bile duct stagnation is detected. Folk healers also have extensive experience in the fight against this disease. Treating stagnation of bile with folk remedies is not at all painstaking, since most of these remedies are easy to prepare. Here are some of them:

  1. It is necessary to eat a piece of lard with garlic and black pepper. After that, lie on your right side, laying under it a hot water bottle with hot water. If you want to drink, water should be replaced with a rose hips decoction .
  2. All the same recommendations as in the first paragraph, however, instead of fat, 100 ml of heated vegetable oil is used.
  3. Juice half-cooked beets to drink on a spoon every time before eating.
  4. 15 g of corn stigmas soot in 200 ml of boiling water, dilute another 200 ml of boiled water. The resulting broth drink 50 ml before eating.