Herpes in children - the types, symptoms and treatment of the most frequent types of the virus

Parents often face such a problem as herpes in children (the types, symptoms and treatment of this disease depend on immunity). And the maximum damage is inflicted on children with imperfect homeostasis and low immune threshold. How to recognize the attack of a virus and treat the baby, we will consider further.

Types of herpes in children

The most common viral diseases are opportunistic infections, which are also called herpes. A baby can get it in the womb, during labor or face a carrier on the street. A healthy and strong organism produces lifelong immunity after some diseases. These include several ailments, provoked by herpes.

Herpes virus in the child has 200 types, the most common of them are six. They differ among themselves the severity of the disease, its symptoms and ways of infection. Children easily pick up these infections and very often endure them at preschool age. These include:

  1. Viruses of the first and second type are all possible eruptions, having transparent vesicles formed in the place where the infection occurred.
  2. A virus of the third type or Varicella zoster is a chickenpox , when it recurs, herpes zoster appears in children.
  3. The fourth type of virus provokes the development of infectious mononucleosis .
  4. The fifth type of virus is cytomegalovirus ;
  5. A virus of the sixth type - it causes exanthema and is called pseudo- red or baby roseola .

All these infections are widespread in the children's team, but the most unpleasant ones are the first 3 types. They have a pronounced symptomatology and are accompanied by complications (meningitis, gingivitis and so on). There are two more herpes viruses of the new generation, which were discovered relatively recently. Physicians believe that they can cause the syndrome, depression, chronic fatigue and cancer.

Herpes 1 and 2 type in children

Depending on what kind of herpes is caused in children, the types, symptoms and treatment of it are different. The most common are the first 2 species. Toddlers bring it into their body through the mouth. This can happen with the use of certain foods, licking toys or with dirty hands. In these situations, the localization area appears on the lips, chin, cheeks and neck.

A type 2 virus can cause a generalized infection that leads to herpetic pneumonia in newborns. If the baby is exposed to fungal or bacterial infections, there is a high probability of death. Herpes of type 1 in children leads to iridocyclitis, keratitis, conjunctivitis. The most serious complication in this case may be a disruption in the functioning of the central nervous system:

Herpes simplex virus type 3 in children

Herpes Zoster in children or a virus of the third type. This infection during the initial occurrence causes chicken pox. If the baby gets infected again, then he can have shingles. But the second option is very rare among children, because antibodies are produced in a healthy organism and recurrence of relapse is possible in adults with weakening of immunity.

Herpes of type 4 in children

Epstein-Barr virus in children or type 4. This is a serious disease that affects the lymphoid systems. If a baby gets infected with this infection, then he has such symptoms:

This infection leads to a weakening of the protective functions of immunity. By the age of 13, half of the children are infected with the virus. Many of them feel lubricated symptoms. The final diagnosis can be made in the hospital after passing the examination and taking the tests. The disease has dangerous complications in the form of Burkitt's lymphoma, which is common among toddlers in equatorial Africa.

Herpes of type 5 in children

Cytomegalovirus in a child or a virus of the 5th type. It first occurs in 2-year-old babies, when they begin to visit nursery groups in kindergarten. In rare cases, intrauterine infection occurs, which leads to disruption in development and other serious consequences. Infection is very insidious, because it can for a long time not manifest itself.

A kid can be a virus carrier, and parents will not know about it and will not take action. During the activation of cytomegalovirus symptoms often appear, as in infectious mononucleosis, only without lymphatic damage to the tonsils and nodes. This disease is very dangerous for pregnant women and newborns. Treat it with anti-herpetic medications.

Herpes simplex virus type 6 in children

When there is herpes of type 6 in a child, it manifests itself in the form of exanthema and roseola. The infection has characteristic symptoms in the form of pink small papules on the skin, pale under pressure. At the onset of the illness, the baby may have fever, but no runny nose and cough. Doctors often confuse this virus with ARD, ARVI, rubella or allergy, so it is necessary to pass tests before identifying the diagnosis.

Herpes are the ways of infection

Answering the question about what constitutes herpes in children, the types, symptoms and treatment of the disease, one should start from how the baby got infected. Very often this happens when a child communicates with a person who is a carrier of the virus, even in the latent phase. For this reason, limit the communication of your crumbs with those people who may be sources of infection.

Herpes in the blood of a child is transmitted during pregnancy or during lactation. During this period, the young mother limits her diet and diet, which leads to a decrease in protective functions of the body, hypovitaminosis and the occurrence of a recurrence of the virus. According to statistics, out of 100,000 newborns, 54,000 are born immediately with this infection. Only the strong immunity of a woman to a disease can protect them.

When herpes occurs in children, the causes of infection depend not only on direct contact, but also on living conditions, for example, the use of common clothing, shoes, toys, utensils, sharing meals. The virus lives on them for several days. Another infection can be from a person with a heightened virus that can be seen on the lips, during a conversation or with a kiss. Infection, hitting the children's body, for a long time may not be activated until it becomes aggravated under conditions favorable for it.

The main factors provoking the manifestation of the virus are:

How does herpes manifest in children?

Very often parents ask a question about how herpes manifests in children - the types, symptoms and treatment of the virus are of interest to most mothers who have ever faced an infection. For toddlers, this takes place in the form:

In areas where rashes soon appear, the baby feels tingling, burning, itching and even pain. Herpes on the skin of a child can be accompanied by ulceration, where the wounds are formed, which children often comb to the blood, touch them and rip off the crusts. Such moments make it very difficult and delay healing and prolong the duration of the disease. Ulcers in the crumb are manifested in the mouth (on the gums, tongue, palate, inner side of the cheeks).

When a child has herpes, the symptoms can be in the form of:

The rash in children lasts about a week and the pigmentation in the zone of the blisters persists for another 7 days. The localization of the rashes depends on the individual characteristics of the organism or on the nerve cells where the herpes virus has accumulated. Provoke the infection may be a scratch or a wound in which the virus got into. Parents should observe the crumbs and their health, observe the rules of personal hygiene and, if necessary, consult a doctor.

Than to treat a herpes at the child?

When herpes occurs in children, treatment depends on the area of ​​the lesion:

  1. The oral cavity of the baby is washed with disinfectant solutions, herbal herbs. An abundant warm drink and a dairy diet are prescribed. Excludes sweet, spicy, sour and salty so as not to irritate the mucous membrane.
  2. Skin covers of the child are treated with special ointments and prescribe tablets.

Treatment of the herpes virus should begin with the first symptoms. On how quickly you give the pills and treat the affected area, depends on the period of rashes and the occurrence of complications. Dose, drugs and frequency should be selected by a doctor who is guided:

The baby should be fully fed during the exacerbation period, in his diet can be present dried fruits, fish, vegetables, meat and dairy products. Between relapses the child is given an anti-herpetic inoculation. If rashes on the skin of the crumbs are very often, the parents need to show it to the immunologist, who will conduct an examination of the body and prescribe a comprehensive treatment for the restoration of protective functions.

Herpes tablets for children

When answering the question about how to cure herpes in a child, you should contact your doctor for prescription. Specialists write:

Ointment for herpes for children

When there was a herpes on the body of a child, then in order to remove the itching and reduce the pain, you can apply local treatment. It happens in the form of antiseptic and softening ointments and lotions. The most effective drugs are:

Herpes in a child - treatment with folk remedies

When herpes is manifested in a child, folk remedies often help in treatment. The main rule in their use is caution, so as not to cause allergies in the baby. The most effective are lotions and compresses from:

Consequences of herpes in children

For children, this virus is not as terrible as complications after herpes. In the absence of treatment, such diseases can develop:

Prevention of herpes in children

Every disease is easier to prevent than treat. For this reason, the prevention of herpes includes: