Orchid - care after flowering

Orchid - a flower of amazing beauty that serves to express feelings and is a symbol of exquisite, sensual beauty. There are more than 100 hybrids and varieties of this wonderful flower, but certainly not all of them are suitable for breeding at home. The most common varieties of indoor orchids include phalaenopsis, Venus shoe, pansies.

As a rule, already flowering plants are bought and given. On average, the period of flowering of orchids lasts from 3 to 6 months and some mistakenly believe that this is the end of their life cycle and the stems deprived of buds can be thrown away. This is not true! Orchid needs special care after flowering and you just need to know what to do in order for the flower to please you as long as possible. The owners of this wonderful flower is concerned with the question: how many rest orchids after flowering? It depends on the variety and set of genetic features of the plant. Sometimes the repeated appearance of flowers have to wait for six months, and sometimes the plant is only a short respite in order to restore strength.

A significant role belongs to properly created conditions for the restoration of orchids. So after the flowers wither, you should decide what to do with the peduncle. The options are:

If the flower stalk is not dried, you can trim the orchid after flowering. This, depending on the time of the year, can lead to the formation of new buds, as well as shoots called "babies", through which an orchid can be propagated.

If you answered yes to your question, whether to trim the orchid after flowering, check out some of the features of this procedure:

Orchids: how to care for them after flowering?

In general, care for the discolored plant does not differ in principle from care during the flowering period. Best of all, orchids feel when the abundance of lighting, but subject to the absence of direct sunlight. They quite normally tolerate the room temperature, but ideally it should fluctuate within 20-24 ° C. At night it is desirable to ensure a decrease in the indicator of the thermometer column by 2-7 ° C. As for irrigation, it should remain sufficient, also a plant should be regularly sprayed. Fodder should be reduced - not flowering plants need much less useful substances.

Orchid transplantation after flowering

The end of flowering is the best time for an orchid transplant, but not at all a decisive condition for this. The main "indication" to this procedure is the excessive proliferation of pseudobulbs, when they no longer fit in a pot. As a rule, this occurs on the 2-3-year existence of the plant. The new container should be slightly larger than the previous one, the plastic transparent pot is best. As a primer, it is better to purchase a special substrate.