Why does the soil in the seedlings become moldy?

Sometimes gardeners and truck farmers do not know why they have moldy soil in seedlings or indoor flowers. There may be several reasons for this, but it should be noted immediately that there is practically no negative effect on plants, especially if you notice the problem in time and get rid of it.

Causes of mold on the ground

As a rule, mold appears on the surface of the earth or on the inner walls of boxes, not penetrating deeply into the ground. If you do not know why the soil in tomato, pepper or flowers grows moldy, or in a pot with your favorite indoor flower, you should pay attention to the watering regime and the location of containers with plants.

Most often, the blame becomes excessive watering, or rather, overflow, and the absence of drainage holes when the water stagnates in the box and is unable to flow outward in excess.

The second aggravating factor is a poorly lit place, as it is noted that the plants feel best near the window or with additional lighting. If you mark boxes with seedlings in a dark, damp corner, the situation when the mold has become moldy will not keep you waiting.

The third cause of mold on the ground is too low or vice versa - high air temperature. If the room with seedlings is rather cool (15-20 ° C), then certain types of fungus, namely these microorganisms are responsible for the occurrence of mold on the soil (mold fungus), begin to intensify. An excellent addition to the coolness is overflow, when the land does not have time to dry out between watering.

Too warm conditions of maintenance, in combination with excess soil moisture and air itself, lead to the appearance not only of a touch on the surface of the soil, but also the growth of mold in the volume - then it becomes similar to the air mass in which small seedlings are buried.

How to deal with mold on the ground?

To begin with, even before the sowing works are carried out, the soil must be decontaminated thoroughly in order to destroy all the harmful microorganisms living in it. And it does not matter whether it's a primer or homemade purchase - both have their own flora there and not visible to the eye.

The earth for seedlings should be roasted in the oven or frozen for several days in the freezer. After the soil has undergone a temperature treatment, it is spilled boiled water with dissolved in it crystals of manganese. Only when excess water drains, you can proceed to sow the seeds.

But if nevertheless care of seedlings was wrong, and the problem arose, then it is possible and necessary to fight it. If possible, you need to carefully remove the top layer of the soil and replace it with fresh. After this, again, you need to spill the container with a solution of manganese. Carefully, with the help of a toothpick, it is necessary to loosen the soil in order to reduce the amount of moisture in the soil and change the conditions for the maintenance of plants - to carry out to the sun, to create the optimum air temperature and humidity.