Grease for sex

Today we will touch upon such a delicate topic as lubrication for sex. Usually during excitation, this natural lubricant is produced in sufficient quantity by the female body. But there are situations when there is not enough lubricant or there is none at all. In this case, sex will not bring the expected pleasure to both partners. Let's try to understand why this situation may arise and what to do if you are faced with a similar problem.

Causes of lack of lubrication

There are several main reasons that affect the lack of release of lubricant. This may be due to a change in the hormonal level. Most often this is observed during pregnancy and after childbirth or during the onset of menopause. Another reason can serve as a disease and taking antibiotics and other medications.

Do not write off the psychological reasons. Mistrust of a partner, lack of preparedness for sex, do not allow partners to relax, give themselves up to the process. As a consequence - lack of lubrication, discomfort or even painful feelings, unwillingness to further sexual relations. With each negative experience the situation is aggravated.

Lubrication sex

Today in pharmacies and sex shops, there is a huge selection of all kinds of lubricants. Find an option that fully satisfies both partners today is not difficult. In addition to the usual lubricants responsible for sliding during intercourse, there are many lubricants with additional effects. This may be a slight tingling or warmth effect. Some manufacturers add contraceptive or antiseptic components to lubricants. There are also lubricants that can prolong the erection. A lubricant for oral sex, for example, is perfect for lovers of such caresses, because its composition can include food additives and flavors, giving the sexual act some piquancy.

Therefore, if there is no lubrication during sex, the easiest way to solve this problem is to buy a lubricant. However, before going to the store or pharmacy it is necessary to decide which lubrication for sex is best used by your couple. Almost all suitable lubricant with a water base. Typically, these lubricants do not cause allergies, have a light consistency and leave no traces on the fabric. The only drawback of this lubricant is its rapid drying. Therefore, during sex, you may need to repeatedly apply it.

How to make grease for sex

This is not difficult at all. The simplest version of home lubrication will be starch or linseed jelly. To give flavor, delicate color and pleasant taste to such a lubricant, you can use vanillin or add some fruit, berry juice. Particularly such a lubrication will appeal to lovers of oral sex .

In addition, the lubricant can be replaced with massage oil, after shave cream or milk for intimate hygiene.

Types of lubricants for sex

Artificial lubricants for sex differ in composition: silicone, oil and water. Each type of lubricant has its advantages and disadvantages. For example, a lubricant that does not contain oils can not be used, if during sex, partners are protected with a condom, because the delicate structure of the latex easily loses its integrity due to contact with oils.

An excellent option will be silicone grease. She does not lose her qualities for a long time, it is easy to apply and will leave no traces on the sheets and clothes. But after the end of the sexual act, it must be washed off, because with further contact with the skin allergic reactions are possible.