Cuffs for legs for training on simulators

In order to quickly pump your feet, you can buy special devices, which are called cuffs for legs for training on simulators. They are made of leather or dense soft material, inside which there must be a softening layer. On the cuffs there are Velcro or rings to fasten them on the legs. On the outside are attached weights - they help strengthen the load on the ankle, hips and calf muscles.

Why do you need cuffs on your feet for training?

Cuffs in another way are called weighting agents, but this does not mean that they have a lot of weight. Thanks to the cuffs on the legs for the simulators it's easy to keep your body in shape, help to develop a good reaction speed and increase the jump. If they are used for training on simulators , they will help to increase the muscle mass of the legs and hands.

What kinds of weighting agents are there?

There are two types of weighting agents: ramming (bulk) and lamellar. At present, the first species at the very barely obsolete - it is a small bag, which is sewn from a dense fabric, and sand or salt is poured inside. In such cuffs on the leg for the simulator it will not be possible to regulate the weight, which is why it is suitable only for those who have a fixed load. In plate weighting we have pockets with plates, with which we can adjust the load.

By weight, the sports cuffs are not really heavy, their average weight is about 0.5 kg to 2, for professional athletes the weight of the weighting agents is up to 5 kg.

How to choose the weight of cuffs for legs for training on simulators?

The cuff weight is selected on the basis of individual characteristics and the power program. It should be remembered that if you choose the wrong weight, it can lead to improper performance of exercises and to violation of the technology of strikes. Pick up the cuffs best after consulting with the coach.

How to use weighting agents?

In order for training to pass with benefit it is necessary to change the weight of the load, while decreasing or increasing it, it all depends on the power load. It should be remembered that you can not increase the weight at once, it is better to do it gradually.

Cuffs are used to develop, for example, the force of impact, rather than build muscle, which is why you should not take a lot of weight. The human body perfectly perceives all the new loads, which is why you need not be afraid of change.