How useful is the berry honeysuckle?

Blue berry honeysuckle - an infrequent guest in the gardens. Although it does not require special painstaking care and feels rather free in both warm and temperate climates, gardeners still regard it as exotic rather than as a valuable food crop. But this happens only because very many do not know what are the benefits of honeysuckle. But those who dared to experiment and still planted this plant, do not regret it and are using the fruits of their labor with might and main. Very convenient is the fact that berries early ripen, which means that the harvest can be harvested by the beginning of June, even before strawberries. In addition, honeysuckle has a specific, unusual taste, a bit like blueberry - a real treat for gourmets! But this is by no means exhausted.

What is useful for berry honeysuckle for humans?

The presence of valuable properties of honeysuckle berries is due to the high content of a whole spectrum of active substances in them. First, they are vitamins C and A, complex of group B. Secondly, these are trace elements, including such important ones as iodine, potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium, etc. Thirdly, pectins and various organic acids . And all these compounds have a stable form, that is, they are mostly preserved during processing. Therefore, the berries of honeysuckle can be dried, frozen, cooked from them compotes, jam, jam, add them to cakes, and, of course, is fresh.

For the organism of any person, the usefulness of honeysuckle berries is as follows:

What is useful for berries honeysuckle for women?

A beautiful lady would rather be interested not in the question of whether it is possible to eat berries of honeysuckle, but how useful their use is for women's health. Here it is worth noting that women's honeysuckle is useful not only for oral use, but also for external use - as an effective cosmetic. Rich in vitamins and antioxidants, berries help to maintain youth and beauty, if they are fresh. They have little sugar, so they will not harm the figure, but, conversely, improve the metabolism and help get rid of excess kilograms. If you have inflamed skin on your face, pimples and other rashes, you can make a mask of honeysuckle berries and take yourself to refresh yourself with their decoction. Also it can be used for hair loss and dandruff.