Dates - benefit and harm

For our area, dates are an exotic, overseas product, but where the sun shines all year round, and there are no cold days, they are common everywhere. For Muslims, fruits are sacred food. Interestingly, dates are an indispensable product for the desert, because due to their rich composition and nutritional value, they can be consumed for a long time without harm to the body. In the homeland dates are a familiar dessert, which is served for tea or milk.

The use and harm of dates

The structure of fresh fruits include fats, proteins, carbohydrates and water. In the pulp are useful for the body salts, vitamins, minerals and amino acids . It is important that in the dried form the chemical composition of the fruit does not practically change. When considering the topic of benefits and harm of dried dates, it is worth saying that the fruits are not treated with sulfuric acid in comparison with other dried fruits.

Given the content of potassium and magnesium, the fruit has the ability to remove from the body of excess fluid, which helps get rid of puffiness. Still these minerals are important for the normal functioning of the heart. The favorable effect of dried fruit on the activity of the nervous system is proved, which in turn helps to improve mood, get rid of stress and insomnia. In addition, the fruits activate the process of producing the hormone of happiness - serotonin. Therefore, if your life is filled with stressful situations, always carry with you some tasty dates that will act as antidepressants.

As a part of the dried fruit, the substance oxytocin was found, which favorably affects labor. With regular use, the prenatal process will become less painful. Due to the presence of folic acid, dates are useful for pregnant women. It is also necessary for nursing mothers to consume fruits, since many useful substances that are in them go to the child.

What is the harm from the dates?

It is not recommended to combine dates and sour food, for example, citrus. To refuse from the use of fruits costs to people with a diabetes, and also at presence of problems with digestive system. It is not recommended to eat dates in large quantities, as this can provoke the development of diabetes and other problems. It is also worth replacing that some people may suffer from the presence of an individual intolerance to the product. If you bought low-quality or chemically processed dates, they can cause considerable damage to the entire body.

Benefits and harm of dried fruit dates for weight loss

People who watch their weight, try to exclude from their diet any desserts and sweets. This ban is for many a serious barrier before beginning weight loss. For you, there is great news, dates are the sweetest and most useful dried fruits, so they can easily replace your favorite sweets and cakes.

Caloric value dates are large and is 300 kcal per 100 g, so the benefits can be obtained when eating fruits in small quantities. The composition of dried fruit includes a large amount of fiber , which helps quickly cope with the feeling of hunger and cleanse the intestines from the products of decay. More fibers improve the digestive system and reduce the amount of "bad" cholesterol. The daily rate should not exceed 15 pcs., That's only there is it costs separately from other products. In addition, it must be taken into account that there are different grades that differ in their energy value.